Warum gibt es in CS:GO so viele Hacker?

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Das hängt damit zusammen, dass dein Trust-Faktor nicht besonders hoch ist. Hättest du keinen niedrigen, würdest du weniger Hackern begegnen. Genau deswegen spielt man im MM oftmals auch gegen Spieler unterschiedlicher Ränge, weil eben jener Trust-Faktor bei der Spielauswahl vor den Rängen berücksichtigt wird.

Dabei reicht es schon, wenn einer von euch einen niedrigen Trust-Faktor hat, falls ihr zusammen spielt.

 14.03.2022, 23:13

Was bedeutet Trust-Faktor, bzw. wodurch steigt er ?

torius  14.03.2022, 23:13

Wie bekommt man einen höheren?

20Fragender00  14.03.2022, 23:14

Von Reddit:

What is Trust Factor?

  • Released in 2016 (source), but was not made public knowledge until Nov. 2017 (source)
  • Assigns each player a trust score based on a model of how likely they are to receive a ban in the future (source)
  • Used as a factor in competitive matchmaking (source)
  • Used as a factor in both Prime and Non-Prime matchmaking (source)
  • Goal is to match "known good actors" with each other, making them less likely to run into cheaters (source)
  • Was converted into Steam Trust in 2019, which enabled it to be used in any other game on Steam (source 1) (source 2)
  • Does not reduce rates of cheating, but instead the impact of cheaters on "known good actors" (source)

How does it work?

  • Gathers data from account activity in CS:GO and activity on Steam as a whole (source 1) (source 2)
  • Is able to determine if a player is associated with suspicious accounts (a.k.a. friends who cheat or cheating on alt accounts) and adjusts trust accordingly (source)
  • Filters players exclusively on their likeliness to cheat, and not other factors such as toxicity (source)
  • It is conservative with lowering your trust score (meaning it's more likely for a cheater to have high trust than a non-cheater to have low trust) (source)

Known ways to keep Trust Factor as high as possible

  • Have Prime Status on your account (source)
  • Launch game in Trusted Mode (game is launched in Trusted Mode by default, you have to put -untrusted or -allow_third_party_software in your launch options for this to not be the case) (source)
  • Don't cheat or have any suspicious activity in any Steam game (since it takes all Steam activity into account) (source)

Other facts/clarifications

  • Trust Factor is a separate system from VAC, VACNet, and Overwatch (source)
  • Matchmaking prioritizes trust over skill (which might explain occurrences of wildly different ranks playing together in MM) (source)
  • 96% of all players have "high trust" (source)
  • "High trust" players experience a cheater approximately once in every 40 matches (source)
  • Trust does not decay at all, unlike MMR Actually unsure about this fact. The vague language could mean "Trust does not decay at all, unlike MMR" or "Trust does decay, but not in the same way as MMR". The former seems to be implied from the context of the tweet, but I can't say for certain which one it is. (source)
  • If you have any problems with your personal trust factor, you can email csgoteamfeedback at valvesoftware dot com about it (make sure to include "Trust Factor" in the subject line and a link to your Steam account somewhere in the email)
  • Not sure if this is still the case, but you can also try to email mcjohn at valvesoftware dot com about trust factor problems (again, make sure to include "Trust Factor" in the subject line and a link to your Steam account somewhere in the email) (source)
Toastsalat  14.03.2022, 23:14

Naja, gibt leider auch häufig Accounts mit hohem trust die gegen Hacker gemacht werden


Gibt viele Möglichkeiten.

1. Valve hat ein schlechtes anticheat.

2. Clients sind besser als anticheat.

3. Hacker fühlen sich leicht getriggert wenn jemand minimal besser ist als sie.

4. Niedriger Trust Factor (wird manchmal oben im Chat in de rlobby angezeigt wenn man nach einem Spiel sucht)

5. Ungewertete Matches sind Non-Prime.

Naja. Letztendlich machen kann man dagegen nichts