Lyrics vom Lied REWE Werbung?

2 Antworten

I was lost in the dark but now I found a light

I promise if you ever feel alone I'll try to make it right 

And we'll build a home for you and paint the -  black skies 

Oh I will always keep you dry when clouds come by 

And I swear I won't go away I will stay with you you 

I won't go away I will stay with you 

And now that we're found we both keep holding on 

Resting like two kids in the eye of - storm

And I swear I won't go away I will stay with you you 

I won't go away I will stay with you you 

So don't let go don't turn away 

We'll find a place for you and me to stay 

Just don't let go don't turn away 

Just don't let go let me stay with you 

I won't go away I will stay with you you 

I won't go away I will stay with you you 

I won't go away I will stay with you you 

I won't go away I will stay with you you 

Zwei Wörter konnte ich nicht raushören. Ich hoffe es hilft trotzdem :) 

Nadriana  06.01.2016, 02:55

Wenn ich mich nicht täusche sind die wörter die dir fehlen " Jet black sky" und "in the eye of a raging storm" 

 17.12.2015, 20:07

oh gott 😍😍😍 tausend Dank dafür ❤

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