Wir müssen in der Arbeit einen Text über Australien schreiben.Ich hab es mal schnell daheim probiert.Könntet ihr mal drüber lesen und verbessern.Sowohl Grammatik und Inhalt.Wäre echt wichtig weil ich eh schlecht in Englisch bin.Groß und Kleinschreibung nicht beachten.Das wurde so als ich es hier eingetippt habe.
I will tell you something about Australia.The Name Australia comes from the Latin word austalis which means southern ans the native Australiens Are Valley Aboriginal.
Australia is one of the most urbanised countries in the world.That is because there are large Parts of the country with very climatic conditions which means that Therme Are very high temperatures and Little Rain.The Capital of Australia is Canberra but the bigest City is Sydney.Sydney is known für example für the Sydney Tower or the Opera House.
The Opera House is located in the West of Sydney and there Are More Than 1000 Shows in a year.
Australia has also Dome famous people how Margot Robbie or Keith Urban.Keith Urban is a singer Andy Songwriter ans he is active since 1990. His Most famous Songs eure for example Somebody like you or you will think of me.Margot Robbie is a achtes and Producer.She grew up in Gold Coast and now she is living in Los Angeles.
Australia has also a beautiful Wildlife with very fascinating animals how the Tansania Devil or the koala.But los of the animals stand on the red List because of the bushfire because it is very hot ans dry and much animals lost Their Habitat or died.
In Australia There ist also the Great Barrier Reef.It is a UNESCO World heritage ans it is known for his biodiversity.The Reef is the home of More than 1000 of sea Snakes,Fish,Chorals and a lot of More animals and ist is as big as Germany.