Leon Uris

1 Antwort

In der Zusammenfassung der Handlung von Exodus unter http://rindgeucc.org/ExodusSummary.pdf wird ein General (Sir Arnold) Haven-Hurst erwähnt. Details seines Programms fehlen in dem Text aber. Da die Personen fiktiv sind, bringt Google da auch nicht viel mehr. Du müsstest schon nochmal einen Blick in das Buch werfen.

  • Uris avoids stereotyping by showing alternate opinions within each group, the Jews, Arabs, and British. There is a conflict within the British government over Jewish policy in Palestine, for instance. Cecil Bradshaw is the middle-east expert who believes British interest lies with the Arabs. General Tevor-Browne, on the other hand, is pro-Jewish. The Colonial office does not have the courage to reverse its policy. They allow the extremist General, Haven-Hurst, to remain in Palestine with his aggressive program of stopping Jews. Bruce Sutherland is the “good” Englishman who befriends the Jews and finally identifies with them.