Könntet ihr mir bitte helfen ich soll eine Powerpoint Präsentation machen über Californien wie soll ich das machen?

AshleighHoward  16.02.2021, 10:32

Wie lang soll die sein? Minuten / Folien?

 16.02.2021, 10:33

Mindestens 5 folien bestimmt

2 Antworten

das war mein Colorado Handout vor paar Jahren vielleicht bringt dich das ja weiter:


The Rocky Mountains are in the Western United States mostly in Colorado. The Rockies stretch from British Columbia, in western Canada, to New Mexico. The Mountains are 4 thousand meters tall.

The Mesa Verde national park protects one of the best archaeological sites in the US. It shows us the Native American culture. The name is Spain and means grüner Tafelberg. Around the park is a big forest. It is 2 thousand meters tall.

The garden of the gods was named first Red Rock Corral by the Europeans. It is since 1909 a touristic sight in the US. You can go there climbing, jogging and mountain biking. The rocks there have names. The most famous names are kissing Camels and weeping Indians. You can ride there too. 

The Black Canyon is an American national park in western Colorado. It’s managed by the national park service of Colorado. It’s on the Colorado River.



Famous person:

David Fincher is an actor who is born in Denver at 1962. 1999 he produced the famous film “Fight Club”.

John Kerry is an American Politician who is born in Aurora, at 1943.

Dean Reed is born at 1938 in Denver. He was an American actor and singer.

John Hall is born at 1934 in Denver. He was a worldwide famous physicist. He won 2005 the noble price for physic.

Ruth Handler is born at 1916 in Denver. She invented Barbie. She died 2002, Ruth was 85 years old.

habe auch eine powerpoint aber kann sie nicht rein schicken. vielleich nimmst du meine freudschaftsanfrage an und wir versuchen es von dort.


 16.02.2021, 10:36

Darf ich fragen für welche Klasse das war? Ich brauche es für die 8

  1. Key Figures (der Kasten oben rechts bei Wikipedia)
  2. Wirtschaft
  3. Wirtschsaftszweig Filmindustrie
  4. Flora und Fauna
  5. Größere / Wichtige Städte
  6. Sehenswürdigkeiten (national und Vergnügungsparks)
  7. Lebensmittel