K Drama mit Mobbing und Romance?

4 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

hmmm ich habe paar wo der typ sie am anfrang nicht mag aber sich dann in sie verliebt ..villt. magst du sowas auch?

-queen of the ring Nan-Hee is ugly and this has influenced her to become mean. She doesn't in live. One day, she receives a ring which holds a family secret. Se-Gun is handsome, but he has a cold-blooded personality. Due to the magic of the ring, he declares Nan-Hee as his ideal woman with a beautiful appearance.

-playful kiss (sehr bekannt !! es gibt den als j-drama k-drama und anime ! am besten ist der anime und der k.drama :D ) : Mischievous Kiss" is a romantic-comedy covering the romance between Baek Seung-Jo, an arrogant young man with a genius IQ, and Oh Ha-Ni, a ditzy young woman who gets poor grades, but whose heart is as powerful as Seung-Jo's mind.It is about a girl in F class that falls in love with an A class boy. She liked him since the first year of high school. Once, she decided to tell him she likes him but was rejected. So the story continues about the girl who keeps chasing after the boy she loves.

-My ID is Gangnam beauty (würde zu deinen beschreibungen gut passen ist aber noch neu hat erst 2 folgen :D) Kang Mi-Rae had a timid personality due to her ugly appearance. She was teased by people and even bullied when she attended school. Now, Kang Mi-Rae is beautiful after undergoing plastic surgery, but she still has her timid personality. Kang Mi-Rae starts her first year at a university. People are still mean to her and call her "Gangnam Beauty" in a derogatory manner. Meanwhile, Do Kyung-Seok attends the same university. He does not judge people by their appearance. He cares about what's on the inside rather than outside. Do Kyung-Seok begins to like Kang Mi-Rae.

(sorry das die beschreibungen in englisch sind aber ich finde keine deutschen :D hoffe du verstehst das ^^)

The glory ist eine sehr gute serie die auch action und bißchen romance mit drin hatt

Ich wüsste ein kdrama mit Mobbing und romance :wahre Schönheit auf viki aber ab einer gewissen folge muss man Zahlen

Boys over flowers