Hallo, ich habe am Dienstag meine mündliche Prüfung und wollte mal fragen ob hier jemand vielleicht meinen Text kontrollieren kann?

1 Antwort

Hab leider nicht so viel Zeit, also nur den ersten Teil:

Today I want to tell you something about holidays. Personally when I got older I didn't like to travel to other countries because I'm so far away from my friends and I'm afraid to missing out important things. Anyway I traveled with my family to different countries. In my early life I traveled to the Netherlands on a camping ground. I can't tell anything about the trip because I can't remember myself. At the age of 6 i was in Turkey with my whole family. We were in Antalya and we stayed there for 2 weeks. That was a nice time for me and everyone was happy. The hotel was so nice and we had such a great time together.

PS: Achte darauf, dass du "I" immer groß schreibst ^-^

 14.02.2016, 19:13

Vielen Dank! :)