Gibt es diese Schlange (China) wirklich?

2 Antworten

Eine anscheinend kompetente Antwort auf eine ähnliche Frage "Which species is the snake shuai-jan (率然 shuàirán) referred to by Sun Tzu in The Art of War?":

"Most people thought it was an imaginary snake. But Sun Zi was specific in pointing out where it was from —- Chang Mountain and its behavior —- able to attack using head and tail at the same time. Sun Zi used many real objects to illustrate his teaching such as water, rock, bow and arrow etc. So he should be using a real snake to that the people knew well to illustrate his teaching."

Leider aber nichts mehr ...

MfG  :-)

Hier nur ein Mythos, die Schlange, Shuai率(=alle)ran然(=so). Der Name weist drauf hin, alle (der Kopf und der Schwanz) gleich (so) funktionieren. 〝

 03.05.2015, 16:26

Dankeschön. :)