Englischarbeit - Lektüre: "Unarranged Marriage"

3 Antworten

Man sollte so etwas gleich auf Englisch googeln:http://baliraiunarrangedmarriage.blogspot.de/2009/11/characters.html

 07.05.2014, 16:21

Vielen Dank!

Das war sehr hilfreich!:)

LG JojoCats

heide2012  07.05.2014, 15:45

Vielleicht auch hilfreich:http://karpador.blogspot.de/

heide2012  07.05.2014, 15:46

Auch noch gefunden:Characterization „Manny“ The protagonist of the novel “(un)arranged marriage”, written by Bali Rai in 2001, Manjit, is the youngest son of a traditional Indian family, living in Leicester. He has two brothers and two sisters and all of them are already married as he, at the age of seventeen, is supposed to become the husband of a foreign girl. He is a static character, because he does not change in the process of the story. Though there is a development, he sticks to his opinion until the end. Apart from that he is a round character as his thoughts and feelings are various and directed towards more than one topic. Manjit wants to live the life of a typical British teenager, which includes not to stick on the rules that are applied to his Punjabi family. As a part of his rebellion, he starts to rub and to take some drugs with his best friend Adrian, called Ady, who does also not fit into the plans of Manjit’s father. Apart from the lack of tradition and respect towards the head of the family, his son’s best friend is dark-skinned, which he cannot accept or even tolerate. His father is the person that influences Manjit most. The fact that he is beating him very often, seems to be normal and inescapable for his epitaxial growth (p. 11, ll. 9-11). Because of this rude way of communicating with each other and the failing interest on Manjit’s life (p.10, ll. 25-28), he becomes more and more rebellious and has no hope that his life in the family could turn into a better one. Another reason for his attitude towards family and tradition is his brothers. They treat him bad and do not take him seriously. Manjit has no chance to back out, because he has to share his room to one of his brothers. Apart from that, there are many people joining the family by marriage, so there is no opportunity for recreation in the house. His position towards girls is at first more negative, but as Adrian shows him a beautiful girl he is interested in, Manjits opinion changes and he starts getting interested in girls. A short time after that situation, Manjit’s father tells him that he is going to meet a girl which will probably become his wife, which makes him angry even though he seems to be able to understand his father’s behavior in general (pp. 41 f.). In the process of the story, you can see that Manjit tries to behave more and more adult, even though he is rebelling against the traditions his father wants him to stick to. He tries to be calm and not to provoke, but to present his point of view without accepting different opinions, which affords very strong reactions from his father. In the night of his sixteenth birthday, Manjit becomes more self-confident and decides to “break free” (p. 57, ll. 11 f.) after he had a fight with one of his brothers. This time, he seems to get more infantile again, because he does not think about the consequences of what he says, but in the end is sure about what he really wants. After he had to break up school, his parents tell him to come with them to India and make sure that he is not able to go out. In this situation, Manjit is very helpless and seems to be intimidated. As they arrive in India, he behaves different from home. It influences him a lot that he has no idea about his future life, so he is more open to the new situation as he had maybe thought before. Although he did not expect before, he enjoys the landscape and feels quite good in this new environment. From the time when he recognizes that his family lied to him, he does not change very much. He is very angry about their behavior and cannot understand that he did not have any idea of this development of their holidays. As he is able to come back home, he is still angry and shows all his family members that he despises their acting. After he seems to have decided to not fight against the marriage any more, you could think that he changes his mind. But in the end, it is very obvious that he did not change in any way. All in all you can say that Manjit is a very static character, but not determined. He always thought about different opportunities and in the end he decides to stay the same as before and not to adapt.


Wenn du das Buch gelesen hast, solltest du die Personen auch charakterisiern können.
Das hättest du eigentlich sogar schon längst gemacht haben können,
statt bis zum letzten Tag vor der Klassenarbeit zu warten,
da damit zu rechnen war, dass du das für die Klassenarbeit brauchen würdest.

Aus den unendlichen Weiten des Internets:

How to write a characterization

A characterization is a description of all the features that make up a personality and its development. One can distinguish between two main methods:

• direct (explicit) characterization: the reader is told about a character’s personality directly by the author, by another character or by the character him/herself

• indirect (implicit) characterization: the reader is expected to draw conclusions about a character by studying his/her behaviour, opinions, choice of words and/or way of talking

Before you start working on your characterization find out how the character’s personality is revealed in the text. Possibilities:

• through the narrator’s description of his/her outward appearance

• through direct comments on his/her character

• by what he/she does, says or thinks

• by showing what other people think or say about him/her

Then collect the facts from the text and draw your conclusions about the person’s character! Look for…

• name, age, figure, clothes, height, sex

• language, nationality, general impression

• social background, family, kind of friends, profession

• what he/she does and says

• his/her behaviour (e.g. toward other characters) and actions

• thoughts, dreams, emotions, attitudes

• what other people say/think about him/her

Move from the outward features to the inward features/nature when writing your characterization. Do not forget to work with the text by using text reference and give examples for your findings, especially when you are working on the last four categories mentioned above.

Basically present tense is used in characterizations.

(siehe: wiki.answers.com/Q/How _ do _ you _ write _ a _ characterization _ essay; die Leerschritte vor und nach den Unterstrichen musst du rauslöschen.)

Ein weiterer guter Link: schulzeug.at/deutsch/sonstige/54-anleitung-zum-schreiben-einer-charakterisierung.

:-) AstridDerPu

PS: Unter folgendem Link findest du eine Vokabelliste mit character traits:


 07.05.2014, 16:28


Ja... Stimmt, aber ich hatte so viel zu tun in der letzten Zeit und sie hat es erst am Freitag gesagt, dass wir die Arbeit schreiben!

Währenddessen hatte mein Vater gebutstag und ich musste eine gfs, 3 tests, 1 lesetagebuch und 2 arbeiten schreiben

LG JojoCats

Achso... und danke für den link


ouh...wie ich das Buch gehasst habe...


 07.05.2014, 16:14


Ich finde es eigentlich nicht schlecht, aber es ist so schwer zu lesen, wegen der ganzen Umgangssprache... Aber danke für den Link!:)

Es ist zwar nicht gerade ausführlich, aber besser als nichts, nicht wahr?

Vielen Dank!

CR71996  07.05.2014, 16:36

Kein Problem! Ich gehe jetzt mittlerweile in die 11.Klasse und kann mich noch an eine ziemlich witzige Stelle im Buch erinnern! XD (Stichwort: Sex)

Viel Spaß noch!

 07.05.2014, 20:02

Hahaha! Ja! Sarah und Ady, oder?:)) Jaaa LG