Englisch-Hausaufgabe richtig?

2 Antworten

Dear Robert,

I read your E-mail this afternoon and your question about the connection between the movie “Fack ju Göthe“ and our school life here in Germany made me smile a bit because actually most of it is nonsense and should just entertain. However, coincidentally, I became aware of an article exactly about this topic, that´s why it would probably interest you. In this article other films about the school life are mentioned such as the comedy “Frau Müller muss weg”, the historical “Freistatt”, the RTL series “Der Lehrer” and last but not least a documentary called “Neuland”. Subsequently, three teachers are asked what consequences these films might have and whether these are realistic in comparison to everyday life. Clara Hückelheim says, that the movies are partly realistic but also partly exaggerated. Also she is afraid, that some of them stoke prejudices like “teachers have too much free time” or “teachers can´t evaluate everyone fairly”, which, in her opinion, does not reflect the truth, whereas Marco Fileccia thinks, that on the one hand no teacher could break so many rules especially Zeki Müller in “Fack ju Göthe”, because he would be fired instantly and that on the other hand these educationalists support their students' potential. Nicolas Schmidt sets the humor in the foreground and says he was surprised how funny some of the movies are and that they aren´t relevant to everyday life, and he concludes, all of them have no effect on reality. All in all, we can say that none of the three are against these sort of films and they mostly support them. I hope I answered your question satisfactorily, but if you have any others, don’t be too shy to write me again.

Yours sincerely

Das hast sehr gut geschrieben. Keine großen Fehler abe ich habe kleine Veränderungen gemacht und falls du damit nicht einverstanden bist, sag mir Bescheid bitte.

 10.04.2018, 23:45

Dankeschön für die schnelle Antwort und deine Hilfe ;)

I read your E-mail this afternoon and your question about the connection between the movie “Fack ju Göthe“ and our school life here in germany made me smile a bit because actually most of it is nonsense and should just entertain.

Most of what is nonsense? Der Film oder dein Schulleben? Außerdem: Mach zwei Sätze draus!

like coincidence wants

Besser: as luck would have it

why he´d probably interest you

*it, denn der Artikel ist keine Person

realistic in comparison

besser: realistic comparisons

says, that

Wieso der Beistrich?

afraid, that

Wir sind hier nicht im Deutschen, kein Beistrich.

stoke prejudices

Vorurteile schüren? Naja, kannst auch mit establish prejudices ausdrücken.

Also she is afraid, that some of them stoke prejudices like “teachers have much free time” or “teachers can´t evaluate everyone fairly”, which, in her opinion, does not reflect the truth, whereas Marco Fileccia thinks, that on the one hand no teacher could break so many rules especially Zeki Müller in “Fack ju Göthe”, because he would be fired instantly and that on the other hand these educationals support their students individual possibilities.

Unbedingt kürzen oder zu zwei Sätze verarbeiten. Da muss man ja dreimal lesen, damit man sich alles merkt.

on the one hand no teacher could break so many rules
on the other hand these educationals support

Das hat keine Korrelation. Ich kann sagen: On the one hand I like school but on the other hand it's exhausting me. Du schreibst: Einerseits kann ein Lehrer gar nicht so viele Regeln brechen, andererseits macht diese Bildungsmaßnahme die Schüler individuell. Das passt mit on the one hand/on the other hand nicht!

All in all, we can say that

*I, nicht we, denn wer sind wir?

Yours sincerely

Yours sincerely, -> Immer mit einem Komma!

Nun wollte Ich fragen, da Ich in Zusammenfassungen in Deutsch nie gut war, ist das genug und vor allem ist die Zusammenfassung so wie sie sein soll?

Das hätte am Anfang gehört, lol

Die Namen fallen auf, entweder du versiehst sie mit einer Position. z.B. Nicolas Schmidt, director of the film, oder du lässt die Namen ganz weg und schreibst nur die Position.

Sunst ist's in Ordnung. Was ihr alles in eine Zusammenfassung packen müsst, weiß ich nicht, da gibt's unterschiedliche Meinungen.

 11.04.2018, 16:36

Ich habe meinen Text mal nach deinem Vorbild "angepasst":


Dear Robert,

I read your E-mail this afternoon and your question about the connection between the movie “Fack ju Göthe“  and our school life here in germany made me smile a bit because actually most of its content is nonsense and should just entertain. However, like coincidence wants, I became aware of an article exactly about this topic, that´s why it would probably interest you. First of all, other films about the school life are mentioned like the comedy “Frau Müller muss weg”, the historical “Freistatt”, the RTL series “Der Lehrer” and last but not least a documentary called “Neuland”. Subsequently, three teachers are asked what consequences these films might have and whether these are realistic in comparison to everyday life. The first one says, that the movies are partly realistic but also partly exaggerated. Also she is afraid, that some of them stoke prejudices like “teachers have much free time” or “teachers can´t evaluate everyone fairly”, which, in her opinion, does not reflect the truth. The second one thinks that firstly no teacher could break so many rules especially Zeki Müller in “Fack ju Göthe”, because he would be fired instantly and that secondly these educationalists support their students individual possibilities. The third sets the humor in the foreground and says he was surprised how funny some of the movies are and that they aren´t relevant for everyday life, in which he concludes, any of them have no effect on the reality. All in all, I can say that none of the teachers are against this sort of films and they are mostly for it. I hope I answered your question satisfyingly, but if you have any others, don’t be to shy to write me again.

Yours sincerely,


Quotenbanane  12.04.2018, 19:25

Mir ist nichts mehr aufgefallen!

Der Text gefällt mir sehr gut, er war zwar schon davor in schönem Englisch verfasst, jetzt aber lässt er sich flüssig lesen auch noch.


 10.04.2018, 23:46

DAnke fur deine Hilfe, ich werd mir deine Tipps zu Herzen nehmen ;)