Englisch Dialog thema tablets in der schule könnt ihr mir vorschläge geben wie ich dies schreiben könnte ?

1 Antwort

1- Finally a break.

2- Yeah, my hand hurts so bad because of writing.

1- O yes, I feel you.

2- Wait, aren't you the class representative?

1- Yes I am, why?

2- So you can do something about it

1- You're right, what should | do?

2- If I were you, I would go to the headteacher and convince him to switch to tablets.

1- Yeah, I'm not sure about it.

2- Why not? It's so much better, my brother use a tablet at school, and he loves it.

1- Tell me more about it.

2- Okay, so they are very easy to use so | don't think anyone would have difficulties with using it.

1- You're right, I once tried to use one and it was really easy. But what about the screen time? It's not healthy to use electronic the whole day, and many classmates spend already way too much time on their phones or laptops.

2- That's true, but first of all it's not our business what they're motivating doing in their free time, besides using a tablet might be very motivating to learn.

1- What do you mean?

2- I mean, that making pretty notes or just studying on a tablet might motivate many students,

1- Okay but what about the fact that you have to charge it. I sometimes forget to charge my phone, what if it would happen to me but with my tablet and I won't be able to do anything that day at school?

2- If you forgot your book at school is it the same problem. And you could Charge your tablet at school if necessary.

I: The thing is I’ve seen many students in ether school that play Games during lessons on a tablet instead of doing their schoolwork. I don't think our feachers would be okay with it.

2- There are always students that cause trouble. But the teachers would have it easier to control the homework or to read anything because you have to type instead of writing and you can't just say that you forgot your homework or blame it on your dog.

1- You're right... but what about thiefs? A tablet is very expensive, and you can't expect that poor student won’t this idea just to fit in.

2- First of all, not everyone is a thief, if the school bought the poor ones a tablet as a part of the scholarship the problem would be solved.

1- Yeah, but I'm not sure the school have enough money to buy the expensive ones and it would be a social factor as well.

2- You might be right, but the school might just require one model so there won't be any discrimination. Imagine how many more information you would find on the Internet, it would make school so much easier.

1- That's true, I would love that.

2- And you would have everything in one place, so you won't have to carry all those heavy books.

1- Oh yes, I've got such a backache every day because of the books.

2- Also, it's kind of better for the environment because it saves paper.

1- Yes, it saves paper, but it's definitely not that better for the environment.

2- Okay, but it would make French class so easier, because of the translator.

1-Don't forget that we can't rely too much on the internet.Last time when i was using a translator for the French class I accidently said in my monolog avocado instead of a lawyer.

2- That was funny, but you should try a good translator not the google one. Also, you can make orders and it's so much easier to organise your things.

1- I agree, but there is always a risk of losing all your data at once. And we can't forget that it will be easier to cheat on tests.

2- I know, but it's actually not a such a bad thing for us students, right? You can't tell me that you never cheated on a test.

1- Okay maybe once.

2- So, did I convince you?

1- Yes, you did, I'm going to talk to the headteacher about this idea as soon as possible.

2- That's great.

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