E-Mail Adresse ändern(League of Legends)?

3 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Mache eine Supportanfrage in der du alle verlangten Informationen mitsendest.

  • Account Name (the name you log into the LoL client with):
  • Summoner Name (the name your friends see in-game):
  • The server you play on (NA, EU-West or EU-Nordic/East):
  • When was the last time that you had access to the account (Month/Day/Year):
  • Creation date of the account (Month and Year):
  • Original email address used to register the account:
  • Location where you registered the account (City and Country):
  • List of locations that you have played on this account(City and Country):
  • Last IP address used to play League of Legends - http://whatsmyip.net/
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP)/Internet Carrier when registering the account:
  • Other people who have ever had access to the account:
  • How did you first come into possession of the account:

If Applicable:

  • Location of RP purchases (City and Country):
  • Approximate dates of most recent RP purchases:
  • Email address linked to PayPal account:
  • Unique PayPal transaction IDs associated with purchase(s):
  • Phone number(s), mobile provider, and country used for SMS transactions:
  • Any PaySafe Card PIN/Transaction IDs:
  • Any Prepaid RP card PINs:
  • The last 4 digits and expiration date of any credit card(s) used to purchase RP:
  • Any transaction or confirmation numbers received via email for this account:


Nein, das geht wohl nicht. Wann sollte dieser Fall auch eintreten?

Wenn du auf deine ursprüngliche e-mail keinen Zugriff mehr hast, dann geht das glaube ich nicht.

Ich würde mal den Support anschreiben und schauen ob sich was machen lässt. Allerdings würde ich keine all zu großen Hoffnungen haben.

Lg Tobi