ChatGBT kennt da jemand ein zeichen App?

2 Antworten

z.B. Stable Diffusion

Du kannst auch ChatGPT beauftragen, aus ein paar Stichworten einen etwas detailierteren Prompt für Stable Diffusion zu erstellen. Den copy & pastest du dann in Stable Diffusion und erfreust dich am Ergebnis (oder auch nicht... ;-)


you: generate prompt for stable diffusion, to pencil draw a 10 story house in beijing, seen from street level

AI: "Imagine standing on a bustling street in Beijing, surrounded by the vibrant energy of the city. Your task is to pencil draw a 10-story house that stands tall among the urban landscape. Focus on capturing the architectural details, such as the unique facade, windows, and balconies. Pay attention to the stability of the structure, ensuring that it blends harmoniously with its surroundings. Use shading and texture to bring depth and realism to your drawing. Let your creativity flow as you depict this magnificent house, showcasing the beauty of Beijing's architecture."


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 - (Computer, Chat, gbt)

Probiers mit Adobe Firefly

 13.02.2024, 20:44
