Brauche Hilfe in englisch ?

2 Antworten

Hi Liam,

Great vacation in California getting some sand in my shoes! Girls here as pretty as in Colorado. But definetely more naked skin to see! I love the surfing crowd here, cool people, but no cool mountain breeze here as in Pike's Peak.

See ya in a week,


eusreg  24.05.2021, 23:14

-lach!- im Nachhinein tut es mir leid, daß der Text so "grown up" ausgefallen ist - hab den schüler ja nicht vor augen, wie alt der ist - Marvinuub, ich hoffe, du nimmst den Text nicht zu ernst! Tut mir leid!! Statt "naked skin" schreib besser "ice cream". Sorry, Marvinuub - ich höre momentan viel Johnny Cash Musik, da sind die Texte ähnlich - der erste Satz, " to get some sand in my shoes" - ist sogar Zitat aus einem Song, "Orange blossom special"

DerHelfer9911  24.05.2021, 22:09

I would pay, to see him reading this out loud in class lmao

eusreg  24.05.2021, 22:09

schreib das aber nochmal um in deinen worten, sonst merkt der lehrer daß das nicht von dir ist!!


Dear Liam,

I am writing you from my new home in California. So far, I really like it here and all the people have been very kind to me. Right now, I am eating breakfast and getting ready to go to school in 20 minutes. At school, I joined the orchestra where I started to play the trumpet. After school, I will head to baseball practice as I have also joined one of the local teams. Many things here are similar to the way things are at home. For example, there are some really good Mexican restaurants. However, going to the beach is something new that I really enjoy. What I miss is you and all the other guys back home.

I hope to see you again soon! Maybe you could come around for a visit sometime.

Yours sincerely,
