Bios auf Toshiba Satellite c855?

3 Antworten

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ase Notes

  • For CD-ROM BIOS updates in Windows 8 models: (1) Shut down the system while pressing the SHIFT key to completely power off. (2) Power on while pressing F2 to enter the BIOS Setup Menu. (3) Go to the Security tab and set the "Secure Boot" setting to "Disabled". (4) Go to the Advanced tab, enter "System Configuration" and set the Boot Mode to "CSM Boot." (5) Press F10 to save and exit. (6) Boot from the BIOS CD-ROM and type FLASH or BIOS at the C:\ prompt. (7) After the BIOS update has completed, restore the Boot Mode setting to "UEFI Boot" and the Secure Boot setting to Enabled.

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 02.12.2022, 19:11

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im Normalfall bei Toshiba ESC oder F2

es kann aber auch Entf/Del, F1, F8, F10 oder F12 sein

Woher ich das weiß:Berufserfahrung – Im Job seit über 25J

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