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Ask Me Anything: Blickwechsel

Du stellst die Fragen, ein außergewöhnlicher Nutzer antwortet! Begegne mit Deinen Fragen anderen Menschen hautnah und persönlich.
Gastfamilienbrief - ist der gut so?

Hallo, kann jemand hier mal drübergucken und mir evtl. Verbesserungsvorschläge geben? Danke schonmal!

Dear future host family, 

First of all, I want to thank you very much for reading my letter and being interested in taking me into your family for a year. 

My name is Linda and I´m xxx years old but when my exchange year starts I will be xxx years old. I live in an apartment in Berlin in Germany. I love living in a big city like Berlin (3,5 million inhabitants) because I live close to many shops and sport clubs and cinemas and you can always do something there, but I miss the nature and I would also be happy about the opportunity to get to know life in a village. 

Because my parents don´t live together, I live alternately with my father and with my mother. I don´t have siblings or pets but I had rats and a dog. I spend a lot of time with my family. My mum xxx works as an xxx, is creative and she loves being in nature. We have a weekend house in a small village close to forests. There we often go for a walk because I love the nature too. In Berlin we go shopping and sometimes we eat Indian food because I love the Indian cuisine. When I have summer holidays we often go to Crete. My dad xxx works as a xxx. He loves doing sports, so we sometimes play tennis. When I was eight years old we started wave surfing together in Portugal. Since then we have been going to the sea to surf every year during my summer holidays. We also go skiing and snowboarding every easter with our friends.  

My school is a Gymnasium (that´s like a high school) with 800 students. A normal school day starts for me at 6 am and I go to school by bike or train. Normally school ends between 1 pm and 3 pm. I like art and math. My favorite subjects are history and politics because I love to discuss. Geography is interesting too because we learn about other cultures. I learn Spanish and I really love the language but it is sometimes difficult. 

After school I do my homework. Then I read a book or do something with my family. I often meet my friends and we go outside, cook something, go shopping or just talk. Once a week I have guitar lessons. I have been playing guitar since I was eight years old. Also once a week I go to Ju Jutsu training with my friend Lea. We started Ju Jutsu just a few months ago and it´s a lot of fun. But maybe I would like to try a new sport in Ireland. Usually, I go to bed at 10 pm.  

At the weekends we are sometimes in our weekend house. There I enjoy being in nature and in the summer I often go swimming in a lake close to our house. When I´m in Berlin I meet my friends and we go to the cinema or have a sleepover. With my parents I often go on trips, for example camping. In summer we go to a lake or to a swimming pool, sometimes during the week too.  

I´m a friendly, open-minded and adventurous person who likes to meet new people. I also love to travel and get to know other cultures. Meeting somebody for the first time I´m often a little bit shy but once we know each other I talk and laugh a lot, but I also love to listen to other people. 

There are many reasons why I would like to spend a year in Ireland. One of them is that I want to meet new people and make friends in Ireland. Furthermore, I want to improve my English. The main reason is that I want to try new things and get to know a new country with another culture. I think Ireland is a fantastic country with a beautiful landscape and nice and hospitable people. 

Thank you for reading this letter. I´m very thankful that I might become a part of your family and hope that after the time in your family Ireland will be like a second home for me. I hope I can give you something back, for example by telling you about life in Germany or cooking German dishes for you. 

Can´t wait to meet you! 

Yours, xxx

Ask Me Anything: Themenspecials

Im gutefrage Themenspecial beantworten Verbände, Organisationen und Personen des öffentlichen Lebens Deine Fragen zu aktuellen Themen.