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Ask Me Anything: Blickwechsel

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Ask Me Anything: Themenspecials

Im gutefrage Themenspecial beantworten Verbände, Organisationen und Personen des öffentlichen Lebens Deine Fragen zu aktuellen Themen.
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The film tells a serious and big theme and the heart-warming stories of the individual characters. Despite the important and powerful message behind the film, very relaxed and entertaining. The film leaves the audience with a smile and at the same time food for thought from the story." Pride" is a very successful mixture of typical dry-humoured British comedy and social drama. The seemingly contrasting themes of the struggle for acceptance and equal rights of homosexuals and the struggle of mine workers to keep their jobs has many parallels. Both groups felt abandoned or even ostracized by the government of the time. The gay and lesbian movement was just beginning to make itself heard and noticed and to fight for its rights. Being gay was still perverted, pathological and abnormal. "Pride" also uses individual fates to show how difficult the path to coming out was and how frightened people were by AIDS, an immunodeficiency disease that had just become known. Parallel to this, the difficult fate of the miners is portrayed, who desperately fight for their jobs, do not want to lose their pride and were pushed to the brink of subsistence with their families by the strike that lasted almost a year. With the help of excellently developed characters, "Pride" succeeds in making all these problems comprehensible and tangible. Despite their rough edges, the protagonists are people you quickly take to your heart and thus follow their further path with fascination. The gradual rapprochement between the cosmopolitan, committed gays and lesbians from the big City of London and the conservative, prejudiced mine workers and their families in a village in Wales is not entirely uncomplicated, but it does progressively improve. Prejudices are quickly thrown overboard (at least for most of them) and they throw themselves into the common fight for the good cause. Neither fun nor seriousness is neglected, no matter whether it is at the miners meeting that degenerates into a disco or during the miners exciting visit to London, which of course also takes them to the clubs of the gay scene. The drama is not neglected either: coming out, AIDS, intrigues and unshakable cohesion are staged so discreetly, skillfully and emotionally that one simply cannot escape the immense charm that "Pride" exudes. Love, tolerance and acceptance, self-worth, being different and standing by it, enlightenment, purification, cohesion, joy, commitment. This film offers many facets for self-reflection. What makes up my life? What unfounded prejudices do I have that need to be left behind. This film opens our eyes to how our society can develop if we let go of our prejudices, get involved in the essentials of our humanity and build bridges to each other. An exceptionally enriching, sympathetic and very valuable film in many respects! Highly recommended!