
You should buy the manga from where they are liscenced. For example,

  • tokyopop.com/
  • shonenjump.com/ and .
  • viz.com/

There are also many places where you can read manga online. Such as

  • .onemanga.com/

  • mirror1.homeunix.com/manga/

  • manga.bleachexile.com/

  • mangahut.com/manga.html

  • mangarooter.com/

  • read.mangashare.com/manga-list/

  • mangavolume.com/

  • readmanga.com/

  • mangafox.com/

  • animesigma.com/news.php

  • mangadestination.tk/

  • mangarun.com/

  • rootmanga.com/

Viele Grüße


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gehe auf google.co.uk und gebe so was wie where to buy the best mangas online - da kommt eine Menge ๑•ิ.•ั๑

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