Mündliche Prüfung in Englisch - introduce yourself?

Hallo, undzwar habe ich am Donnerstag eine mündliche Prüfung in Englisch. Dazu müssen wir uns selbst vorstellen. Meine Frage ist, ob der folgende Text sachlich , zeitlich und grammatikalisch korrekt ist. Außerdem würde mich interessieren, ob alles von der Wortfahl und Zeitsetzung richtig ist oder es Alternativen gibt. Ich danke schon mal im Voraus. Wundert euch vor allem nicht über den Satzbau, ich gehe auf einer Realschule, deswegen ist dieser relativ einfach. ^^

Hello. My name is Stefan. I was born in Iasi, in Romania, on the 18. of August 2003, so currently I am 17 years old. I've been living for ten years in Germany. When I was seven years old in 2010, I emigrated with my family to Germany. In the beginning it wasn't easy for me and my family because we couldn't speak the German language. After a while it became easier for us as we learned new things from day to day.

I'm not the only child in the family. I have a twin brother and an older sister. My older sister is 31 years old and lives in the capital of Romania, in Bucharest. My sister works as an architect.

In my free time I like to read books, do a lot of sports and I really enjoy drawing. For instance, I like to play basketball, go running and ride my bike. My favorite books are If I Stay and Me Before You. When I draw, I let my creative impulses run free. 

At the moment I don't have any plans for my future. After Realschule Benrath I would like to go to grammer school to do the A – Levels. I was thinking about doing something with architecture or joining the army, but I am not quite sure.

My favorite subjects are math, sports and English.

Although these are my favorite subjects, I try to be very good in other subjects as well and I think I succeeded.

I hope you liked my introduction. 

Englisch, Prüfung
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