Kann jemand mein Charakterisierung in Englisch korrigieren?

ich brauche hilfe da ich nicht so gut in englisch bin.

In the Novel “Speak”, written by Laurie Halse Anderson in 1999, is the character “Mr. Freeman” an art teacher at Merryweather High, who already gets introduced at one of the first chapters. He is the art teacher from the main character Melinda.

Mr. Freeman is a teacher, described as ugly. Furthermore he has a “Big old grasshopper body, like a stilt-walking circus guy and an nose like a credit card …” like Melinda describes at p.14, l.9 f., . He appears very scary to other people, but he has a nice smile on his face (p. 14, l.11 & p. 14, l.21 ff.).

Another important fact is his language, he speaks really heartfelt (p.14 l.12 ff.), which makes him so interesting , so the students listen to him.

During the novel Mr. Freeman is an supporter of Melinda and they talk about Melindas problems sometimes. He sees the feelings or the art in Melindas work (p.66-67). Besides Mr. Freeman is very creative and he wants others to be creative too (p. 15 – 16). Moreover he wants to motivate the students to make something special. On p.14 l. 11 you can see that Mr. Freeman “smiles”. Their, you can conclude that he is a very friendly person

Mr. Freeman is a different person. He is not like normal teachers and he has his own vision of school, lessons and priorities (p. 14 – 15). His ideas are very scary but he has a plan for the rest of the year in school (p. 15, ll.20 ff. & p.16, ll.1 ff.) .

He has a good friendship to his students, which you can see that he is hugging students as a teacher(p.196 l.10 ff.). The last day of school Melinda stays after so she could finally put the finishing touches on her tree and she starts crying in the class with Mr.Freeman and he says "You've been through a lot haven't you?"(p.197 l.24 f.), that shows that he actually cares about Melinda and what she has been through. In other words he has a good connection to Melinda.

In conclusion Mr. Freeman is the art teacher of Melinda, who has a good connection to Melinda, he is a friendly teacher, who goes motivated on

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In the Novel “Speak” written by Laurie Halse Anderson in 1999. The character “Mr. Freeman” is an art teacher at Merryweather High. He is the art teacher of the main character Melinda and is introduced in one of the first chapters.

Mr. Freeman is a teacher who is described as ugly. Furthermore, he has a “Big old grasshopper body, like a stilt-walking circus guy and an nose like a credit card …” p.14, l.9 f., . He also appears to be very scary to other people, but he seems to have a nice smile on his face (p. 14, l.11 & p. 14, l.21 ff.).

Another important fact is his use of language(p.14 l.12 ff.)which makes the students want to listen to him

During the novel Mr. Freeman is a supporter of Melinda and they sometimes talk about Melindas problems. He sees the feelings in the drawings in Melinda's work (p.66-67). Besides Mr. Freeman is very creative and he wants others to also be creative (p. 15 – 16). Moreover he wants to motivate the students to make something special. On p.14 l. 11 you can see that Mr. Freeman “smiles”. There you can conclude that he is a very friendly person

Mr. Freeman is a different person. He is not like normal teachers and he has his own vision of school, lessons and priorities (p. 14 – 15). His ideas are very scary but he has a plan for the rest of the schoolyear (p. 15, ll.20 ff. & p.16, ll.1 ff.) .

He has a good friendship with his students, which you can see by him hugging his students(p.196 l.10 ff.). The last day of school Melinda stays longer than needed so that she could finally put the finishing touches to her painting. Afterwards she starts crying in the class with Mr.Freeman and he says "You've been through a lot haven't you?"(p.197 l.24 f.), that shows that he actually cares about Melinda and what she has been through. In other words he has a good connection to Melinda.

In conclusion, Mr. Freeman is the art teacher of Melinda, who has a good connection to Melinda, and he seems to be a friendly teacher, who goes motivated motivates his students.

Tipps:Schreib kürzere Sätze, im Englischen versucht man lange Sätze zu meiden und man verschachtelt diese auch nicht so wie im Deutschen. Zudem würde ich dir empfehlen die Beistriche wegzulassen. Ich habe bestimmt nicht alle Fehler gefunden, wenn du das nächste Mal nicht weist, ob du eine Formulierung so schreiben kannst, google sie vorher findest google keine Anwendung musst du es umformulieren.

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"I am planning on visiting London. I have a faible for the English language and the English culture. I want to do a stadium tour of Wembley. I'd like to make a tour through some parts of the city of London by foot. I want to see the different cultures and the overall architecture of London. I've also planned on visiting and photographing the usual tourist attractions. I would like to visit the museums which are freely accessible by the public. I have been to London two times but I have still not seen everything yet. There are so many sights to discover."

Du sollst dir nicht zuerst deutsche Sätze zurecht legen und sie übersetzen, jetzt funktioniert das vielleicht noch, aber in der letzten Schulstufen reicht das definitiv nicht mehr für eine positive Note aus, der Aufsatz sollte so zirka passen. Schreib einfach auf Englisch und poste es hier, man hilft sich ja und so kannst du dazulernen. Vielleicht baust du noch Wörter ein die die Sätze miteinander verbinden wie moreover etc.

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Es könnten Schleierschwänze sein oder normale Goldfische.

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Ich würde nocheinmal in meinem Account nachsehen ob er wirklich storniert wurde, da ich das gleicche Problem hatte und dann heraugefunden habe, dass Amazon denn Artikel doch nicht storniert hatte. Sonst ruf bei der Hotline an.

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which would unite the world

and give everlasting peace

as a gift to it.

Ich bin nicht so gut im Dichten hoffe aber dass es reichen wird. Ich würdedie 3. Zeile so verbessern: of hope and fairytailes that would come true

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Ja es ist ein Pseudonym.

Zitat von Britannica:Born Eric Arthur Blair, Orwell never entirely abandoned his original name, but his first book, http://semantic.britannica.com/accepted_headword/core/170437/Down-and-Out-in-Paris-and-London">Down and Out in Paris and London, appeared in 1933 as the work of George Orwell (the surname he derived from the beautiful River Orwell in East Anglia). In time his nom de plume became so closely attached to him that few people but relatives knew his real name was Blair. The change in name corresponded to a profound shift in Orwell’s lifestyle, in which he changed from a pillar of the British imperial establishment into a literary and political rebel.

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