Hallo :) Also ich schreibe am Freitag eine Englisch arbeit & ein teil davon wird sein eine postkarte oder brief (e-mail) auf englisch über new york zu schreiben. Ich bin aber ziemlich schlecht in freien texten schreiben. Ich hab mir als übung schon etwas vorgeschrieben, damit ich in der arbeit nicht hoffnunglos da stehe. Leider weiß ich nur nicht ob das alles so richtig ist.

mein text bis jetzt lautet:

Dear Anne,

We stay in New York for a week. It's very big and it's one of the best places I have ever seen in my live. Here are so big buildings like skyscrapers and the empire state building! Anne you don't believe me, but i know what I write. We were there. On the empire state building. The view is too brilliant for words! You can look over the whole city! It's incredibly great. At Wednesday we were in the central park. It's so beautiful there. I must show you my photos, witch I have taken there, when I’m home again. But know I’m still in New York for 4 days more. Oh and I was in china town yesterday. It's so crazy there. The people are very funny. At least we were driving at our hotel with the subway. That wasn’t so funny. There were lots of people and tourists who push me. i was happy as we were back at the hotel... Tomorrow we will look at the statue of liberty and at the last day, we will go to the stores on fifth avenue. We will go window shopping there ;). For buy it cost too much money :(. I miss you, Marie:*

Wäre nett wenn sich das jemand mal durchlesen könnte und mir meine fehler mitteilen könnte :)

Danke schon mal im vorraus LG Marie