Ich muss in der Schule einen kleinen Aufsatz in English schreiben. Habe ihn auch soweit fertig, nur mein Englisch ist nicht das Beste. wäre schön wenn jemand mal rübergucken könnte :)

The topic is about, strict parents help me to grow up right. At first, you must define strict parents. For me strict parents give you rules and you must keep the rules. Some important fact is that you have a good nourisched. To have rules is good for you so you can learn to abide by a deal, for example when you are late by your job, you can be sacked on the spot. An other reason for that you get manners. They don’t buy all for you, so you don’t be spoiled. You must help in the household so you will be independently. Negatives sides that’s not so good for the mental health sometimes or the kids will push to much. In conclusion I can say my parents taught me that you have to work hard to get what you want. Sometimes you'll have to follow rules that you don't like. And they are right. I think, if you have strict parents you are better at school, you get a good job, you have a better future and you have a healthy live.

Vlt. hat auch noch jemand ne Idee was man zusätzlich schreiben könnte?