Wie schreibt man in Englisch eine Analyse?

Ich war krank und habe jetzt über das Wochenende die Aufgabe bekommen einen teil Abshcnitt zu analysieren....

Kann mir das jemand krigieren?

The short story „Red“ written by Dallas Woodburn, published in 2005, deals with how Grace as a young adult is unable to overcome the grief over the death of her mother. In this story you can identify a third person limited narrator. The narration concentrates on Grace. The effect of this narrative perspective is that you can feel better into the person because the story concentrates only on one person. The following text extract takes from line 39 to line 86. This is a scene from a special day that Graces had together with her mother before she died. It was a rainy day but her mother wants to fly a kite. This analyzing concentrates on Grace’s feelings at the day together with her mother. It was raining cats an frogs and Grace feels a little bit unwell because “Grace’s clothes had grown heavy and cumbersome” (l. 22) and it seems her strange why they are alone in the in the deserted Park “Grace asked about her daddy” (L.9) and she finds it crazy why her mother wants to let a kite fly in the rain. But she loved her mother and she knew that she is ill. “Grace tightly held her mother’s hand” (L. 1) and “Grace squeezed her mother’s hand” (l. 13). This shows how good they hold together. The metaphor in line 59: “BBs of water” could stand for the inseparableness too. The simile in line 43 and 44: “like a magic kingdom” shows how good she feels if she is spend time together with her mother and that the time together let forget the grey desert atmosphere. quite the contrary it let it seem like a golden kingdom with happiness. And line 50 underlined this: “That’s all we need. Just you and me” shows how lucky they are if they are together and how fancy they are together. But these lucky and good feeling is maybe accompanied from a sad feeling about the illness from her mother. The sad feeling from Grace is underlined form the Metaphor in l 42: “leaden sky” the gray sky could stand for a sad atmosphere and “all the tiny teardrops” (23-24) underlines the sadness and could stand for the tears of her mother. But on the other side there many symbols for hope for example “the rainbow on the kite“(L. 43) and the “Baby steps” “l 26 and 28) are symbols for hope because they have a positive effect. Grace hopes that the time together with her mother would never end and she hopes that her mother’s illness get better soon. In conclusion I would say that Grace on the one hand was sad and feeling unwell but on the other hand she enjoyed the time together with her mother.

(HAbe es noch nie gemacht und wäre froh um verbessungsvorschläge)

Englisch, Analyse
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