Englisch Hausaufgabe Written Discussion Verbesserungsvorschläge?

Ich muss als Hausaufgabe eine Written Discussion schreiben. Könnte jemand über meine drüberschauen und sie Verbessern oder mir tipps geben wie ich sie besser machen kann ?

Aufgabenstellung: The Government plans to ration the usage of cars per person per year. Discuss this programme and suggest wyays to cope with car-related pollution.

There are some arguments for and against rationing the usage of cars per person per year.

First, people would have to use busses or trains more ofthen in small cities that would cause full busses and trains, because they do not have enough busses everywhere. People have to find a bus or train that comes to the rigth time to the rigth place.

Second. In Germany, we have to pay for our car taxes every year or we aren't allowed to use it. If we can only use it a bit, it would get much too expensive for that.

Another argument against is, that people who have to earn money by driving cars, will get problems. For example how could a taxi driver earn enough money for food, if he is not allowed to drive a car as ofthen as he wants to?

A good argument for rationing the usage of cars is, it would reduce the bad pollution from the cars, because they aren't used every day.

Another good argument for rationing the usage of cars is, we would have less traffic. That means that the people who are driving at that day can drive faster and there are no traffic jams anymore.

The last argument for is, the rushhour would not cause traffic jams when more people go by bus or train, so everyone comes punktual for work and can sleep longer, because they are faster.

On the one hand busses and trains might be full, but you can also ride your bike, so you will get no problems.

As conclusion I would say, the arguments for rationing the usage of cars are better than the arguments against, but there have to be special laws for people who earn their money by driving, like taxi drivers.

Englisch, Verbesserung, written discussion
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