Ich weiß, dass du das jetzt wahrscheinlich nicht mehr brauchst, aber vielleicht hilfts ja jemand anderem :)


We just arrived at New York yesterday. After we had to stand in line at the airport for two hours we finally got to drive to the hotel with one of these typical yellow cabs. On the way there, we saw the Empire State Building and decited to take a long sightseeing tour today, so we went to bed very tired and exited. At the next morning we first struggled to find the right bus at the bus station but when we finally found him it was an awesome experience. We did not get to see the Statue of Liberty though because it was really foggy but at least we got more time at the Time Square to go shopping in one of the thousand tourist shops.

I hope you enjoy your summer break too!
I am exited to see you soon

Your YYY

...zur Antwort

I would go to the Broadway because it is one of the most famous streets in the world. It's longer than 17 miles and one of the popular sights of New York. The Broadway is not only a famous street, it also has a theater district with about 40 big theaters which play famous plays like "The Lion King". You can also go shopping in cool stores, especially for teenagers.

...zur Antwort
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