Nein, selbst wenn die Hölle zufriert nicht!

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Ist das richtig gutes Englisch?

Oder merkt man sofort, dass eine Maschine das übersetzt hat? Ich kann zwar ein wenig Englisch, aber zu wenig, als dass ich den Originaltext aus dem Deutschen in richtig gutes Englisch übersetzen könnte. Die Übersetzung stammt also nicht von mir, sondern von einer KI. Merkt man das?

Completely relaxed, nine-year-old Karl lay in the grass under the ancient oak tree, gazing with a small smile at the magnificent green canopy above him. The sun was high in the brilliantly blue sky, and its warmth felt wonderful. Not a single cloud had been seen all morning on this day in July 1870.

Like all children, Karl also loved the long summer holidays. This was undoubtedly the most beautiful time of the year. He had played with his friends all morning, but now one after the other had gotten hungry and had gone home.

But Karl did not want to go home yet. Out here on the meadow in front of the small town of Rehna, it was so beautiful, and around noon was always the time when his father always locked the pharmacy for two hours and came home for lunch. He preferred to avoid an encounter with him. As far back as he could remember, he had feared his father. There was not a single day in his life when he had not been afraid of him.

Above him, in the branches of the oak, a bird sang its song, but the boy hardly noticed the singing. He had closed his eyes and was trying to remember as far back as he could. There were very early images in his head, the loving face of his mother, and a few vague memories that had no meaning. But finally, he found the first coherent memory of his life.

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Ist eben KI English.

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Ja, gibt es

Und zwar sehr viele, weil mein Name wirklich unaussprechlich ist. Nein, nervt überhaupt nicht, ganz im Gegenteil ist es immer Anlass für Humor, denn ich sage dann immer: Ich weiß, der Name ist ein Verbrechen und ich wurde damals nicht gefragt, ob ich ihn haben will.

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