
ich habe gestern eine Hausaufgabe bekommen, in der Ich eine Email schreiben muss....

Ihr amerikanischer Freund hat Ihnen geschrieben, dass er über den großen Erfolg des Films "Fack ju Göthe" gelesen hat und fragt Sie, was der Film mit dem "echten" Schulleben in Deutschland zu tun hat. Sie haben folgenden Artikel gelesen und fassen ihn für Ihren Freund zusammen. Sie nehmen insbesondere auf die beiden folgenden Aspekte Bezug:

  • weitere deutsche Filme, die über das Schulleben berichten
  • welche Auswirkungen haben diese Filme auf das Schulleben nach Ansicht der Experten, sprich Lehrer.

Schreiben sie eine Email von ca. 250 Wörter.

Meine E-Mail ist hier:


Dear Robert,

I read your E-mail this afternoon and your question about the connection between the movie “Fack ju Göthe“  and our school life here in germany made me smile a bit because actually most of it is nonsense and should just entertain. However, like coincidence wants, I became aware of an article about exactly this topic, that´s why he´d probably interest you. First of all, other films about the school life are mentioned like the comedy “Frau Müller muss weg”, the historical “Freistatt”, the RTL series “Der Lehrer” and last but not least a documentary called “Neuland”. Subsequently, three teachers are asked what consequences these films might have and whether these are realistic in comparison to everyday life. Clara Hückelheim says, that the movies are partly realistic but also partly exaggerated. Also she is afraid, that some of them stoke prejudices like “teachers have much free time” or “teachers can´t evaluate everyone fairly”, which, in her opinion, does not reflect the truth, whereas Marco Fileccia thinks, that on the one hand no teacher could break so many rules especially Zeki Müller in “Fack ju Göthe”, because he would be fired instantly and that on the other hand these educationals support their students individual possibilities. Nicolas Schmidt sets the humor in the foreground and says he was surprised how funny some of the movies are and that they aren´t relevant for the everyday life, in which he concludes, all of them have no effect on the reality. All in all, we can say that none of the three are against this sort of films and they are mostly for it. I hope I answered your question satisfyingly, but if you have any others, don’t be to shy to write me again.

Yours sincerely

Timon Berten


Nun wollte Ich fragen, da Ich in Zusammenfassungen in Deutsch nie gut war, ist das genug und vor allem ist die Zusammenfassung so wie sie sein soll?

Vielen Dank im Voraus