"The short story "Locker 160", written by Lee Busselman conserns the issue of bullying and harassment among high school students, leading up to one of them commiting suicide."

("bad end" wäre wertend, in Zusammenfassungen sollte aber immer frei von eigener Meinung geschrieben werden, ansonsten hab ich mal ein bisschen an deinem Satz herumgebastelt :) Ich habe mich dazu entschieden, das Ende zu verraten, da das Ganze ja jemandem, der den Text nicht kennt einen Eindruck desselben vermmitteln soll.)

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also schaden kanns ja nich, die haare wachsen wieder nach und wenn dir die ohrlöcher dann doch nicht gefallen wachsen die auch wieder zu wenn du die stecker früh genug wieder rausnimmst. ich würds machen, man muss sich schließlich auch n bissl ausprobieren. :)

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Charakterisierung Englisch (Looking for Alaska)

Ich soll als benotete Hausaufgabe in Englisch eine Charakterisierung über Miles, eine Person von Looking for Alaska schreiben. Könnt ihr mir ein paar Verbesserungsvorschläge geben und mich auf Grammatikfehler und so hinweisen?

Miles Halter, a 16 years old boy, is the main character of the book “Looking for Alaska” from John Green. Tired of his boring and lonely life in Florida, he decides to go to a boarding school in Alabama. He is very tall but skinny and looks weak with his thin arms. At his first day in boarding school he watches himself in the mirror and feels embarrassed, because he do not like his outward appearance (p.13, l. 7-11). His first friend at Culver Creek, the boarding school, Chip Martin, describes his legs as „chicken legs“(p.19, l.22), but Alaska, his second friend, says that he is cute. Chip give him the ironically nickname „Pudge“, because of his scrawny appearance. Before Miles come in boarding school, he lived with his parents in Florida and visited a public school. In this school he was unsocial and unpopular, that is the reason why he did not had friends. So he wants like his father, uncles, and cousins go to Culver Creek. To find more friends, he is trying to be cool. For example he wears his shorts just below his hips (p.17, l. 29). Miles behaves quiet and hates being careful (p.15, l. 32), but is also friendly and funny. His jokes prove that, which he is telling sometimes, because he just wants to look like a funny person and find more friends. Often the interaction with new people he meets is difficult, because he is shy, unsure and not good at small talk (p.8, l.12). But still he get a girlfriend named Lara and find good friends, Chip, Alaska and Takumi. Miles fell in love with Alaska (p.134, l. 9), but she has a boyfriend called Jake, so Miles is sad and disappointed. Still he hopes that one day she will love him and he would have a relationship with her. So it is a lot harder for him as Alaska died at a car accident and he feels guilty about that (p. 157, l.34). In the whole book Miles hope to find the „Great Perhaps“which the poet Francois Rabelais was talking about (p.9, l.21-23). First Miles was shy and had no friends, but this change in the story. Later he is more self-confident and finds friends. He does not have a boring life anymore; just like his father in former times he makes pranks and makes a lot interesting experiments.

...zum Beitrag

Miles Halter, a 16 years old boy, is the main character of the book “Looking for Alaska”, written by John Green in 2005. Tired of his boring and lonely life in Florida, he decides to go to a boarding school in Alabama. He is very tall but skinny and looks weak with his thin arms. At his first day in boarding school he watches himself in the mirror and feels embarrassed because he does not like his outer appearance (p.13, l. 7-11). His first friend at Culver Creek, the boarding school, Chip Martin, describes his legs as „chicken legs“(p.19, l.22), but Alaska, his second friend, says that he is cute. Chip give him the ironic nickname „Pudge“ because of his scrawny appearance. Before Miles came to boarding school, he lived with his parents in Florida and visited a public school. In this school he was unsocial and unpopular. That is the reason why he did not have (nach did / didn't IMMER Invinitiv :)) friends. So he wants to go to Culver Creek, just like his father, uncles, and cousins. To find more friends, he is trying to be cool. For example he wears his shorts just below his hips (p.17, l. 29). Miles behaves quiet and hates being careful (p.15, l. 32), but is also friendly and funny. His jokes, which he tells sometimes prove that, because he just wants to look like a funny person and find more friends. Often the interaction with new people he meets is difficult, because he is shy, unsure and not good at small talk (p.8, l.12). But he still finds a girlfriend called Lara( and finds good friends, Chip, Alaska and Takumi.) (<-- die hast du schon erwähnt :)) Miles falls in love with Alaska (p.134, l. 9), but she has a boyfriend called Jake, so (oder "because of which") Miles is sad and disappointed. Still he hopes that one day she will love him and he will have a relationship with her. So it is a lot harder for himwhen Alaska dies in a car accident and he feels guilty about that (p. 157, l.34). In the whole book Miles hopes to find the „Great Perhaps“which the poet Francois Rabelais was talking about (p.9, l.21-23). First Miles was shy and had no friends, but this changes in the story. Later he is more self-confident and finds friends. He does not have a boring life anymore; just like his father in former times he makes pranks and makes a lot interesting experiments.

so. puh. schau dir lieber noch mal das ganze and und les korrektur, nur um sicher zu gehen. :)

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also bei meiner eos 1100d ist da ein knopf rechts neben der schrift "iso", bei mir heisst der "disp." einfach kurz draufdrücken, bis die anzeige wieder normal ist (kann sein dass du mehrmals drücken musst)

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