Hi! :) Also ich bin 15 und spiele schon Schach seit ich ca 10 bin. Ich hab so 3-4 Runden mit meinem Vater gespielt, danach hatte ich dann alle Regeln im Kopf und hab auch bald darauf die ersten Spiele gewonnen! Also ich würd sagen in 2 Wochen kannst du es spätestens vernünftig! Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen... LG bobbley :)

...zur Antwort

also ein paar kleine Verbesserungen: 15-year-old children can go out between 9pm and 6am. But should they be allowed to do that? Some people say they should be allowed to go out between 9pm and 6am. That way they can meet friends, have more freetime and they could do fun things with their friends, for example going to the cinema. However, other people disagree with that. A common reason is because they think the children could be attacked. Another argument against 15-year-old children beeing on the street from 9pm to 6am is that they could be robbes or that the children get too little sleep. Or the children could be kidnapped from a man or so. In my oppinion, it's ok for 15-year-old children to go out longer at the weekend. But all in all you can say that it's better if children stay at home from 9pm to 6am.

Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen :))

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