Hallo zusammen, könnt ihr bitte über den Kurzreferate schauen?

Hintergrund: 5. Klasse Gymnasium, 1 Minute Referat, Vokabeln die bisher nicht gelernt wurde, sollen erklärt werden.

Thema: Mein (Schreber)garten

Freue mich über Verbesserungsvorschläge, da es hauptsächlich mit Google translater übersetzt wurde. Vielen herzlichen Dank!


Hello people, I'm taling about our beautiful garden today. Let´s go startet.

My family and I are often in the garden. Our garden is five minutes away from our flat.

If you looking inside, you can see in the middle a big apple tree. The tree is good for climbing. Next to it is a small pond. A pond is a small lake. There are five frogs living in the pond. All frogs have a name and every jear the frogs come back.

But you can see more animals in the garden, for example: bees, worms and mice.

There are lots of colorful flowers, fruits and vegetables (for example: carrots, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes). My favorite flowers are sunflowers.

The garden tools and toys are in the shed.

I like to play Basketball or football in our garden.

When the sun is shining, we go swimming in the swimming pool. It´s fun!

On the terrace we have a table and chairs.  We often have friends over and then eat together.

I love our garden.

That was my talk. Thank you for listening. Have a nice day.