"When I try to disable AR, everything freezes or crashes.

Disable camera by going into Run > type REGEDIT on your computer and navigating to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > BlueStacks > Guest > Android > Config”. Press camera and change to decimal then change the 1 to a 0 then save."

von http://www.bluestacks.com/blog/bluestacks-exclusives/how-to-install-play-pokemon-go-on-pc-with-bluestacks.html

Dann landet man direkt im nicht-AR Modus.

Übrigens: schon seltsam, wie groß der Unterschied im Spawn der Pokemon ist. In der einen Gegend trotz Pokestops ~alle 30 Minuten, anderswo ~alle 2 Minuten.

...zur Antwort