Hi:) Also man kann einen Dschinn oder Dschinnin beschwören indem man zum Beispiel das macht, wie in dem Video wenn man googled: Jinn Caught on Back Ground While Syrian Mujahid calling Athan (Ich kann keine Links posten wegen dem GuteFrageGesetz of Spamming;) ) Hier sind die Worte dafür: Transliteration:

Allahu Akbar (four times)


Allah is the Greatest (Recited four times)


Ash-hadu alla ilaha illallah (twice)


I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah (Recited twice)


Ash-hadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah (twice)


I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. (Recited twice)


Hayya alassalah (twice)


Come to Prayer (Recited twice)


Hayya alal-Falah (twice)


Come to success. (Recited twice)


Allahu Akbar (twice)


Allah is the Greatest. (Recited twice)


La ilaha illallah


There is none worthy of worship except Allah.

Hadhrat Umar, May Allah be pleased with him, who later became the second Khalifa was also sitting in the company of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He said that he had also had a dream and had heard the same words. The Holy Prophet, on whom be peace and blessings of Allah, was therefore in no doubt that this was a message from Allah, so he adopted the method of Athan to call worshippers to the mosque. Athan is thus widely recognised as the call to Prayer all over the world.


The Mu'athin, the person who says the Athan should stand in a prominent position with his face turned towards the Qibla. These days a loudspeaker system is also used to say the Athan. The Mu'athin should touch his ears with his index fingers, right finger touching the right ear and the left finger touching the left and recite the Athan in a loud voice. He should turn his face towards the right when saying the words, Hayya alas Salat and turn his face to the left while reciting the words Hayya alalfalah.

During the Athan for Fajr Prayer, the Mu'athin should also recite the words given below twice after saying, Hayya 'alal falah:


AsSalatu khairum-minan-naum (twice)


Prayer is better than sleep.

The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has said:


Itha sami'tumun nida'a faqulu mithal ma yaqulul- mu'ath-thin.


Whenever you hear the Athan, say what the Mu'athin is saying.

Hence, anyone who hears the Athan should repeat the same, phrase by phrase, after the Mu'athin has recited them but when the Mu'athin says the words Hayya alas-Salat and Hayya alal falah, the person hearing the Athan should say La hawla wa la quwwata illa billa-hil aliy-yil Azeem which means: There is neither might nor any power except with Allah. The Shi'ah community adds the following phrase to their Athan:


Ash-hadu anna 'Aliyyan waliyyullah. Hayy 'ala khairil 'aamal.


I bear witness that Ali is a Saint and a lawful heir in accordance with the will of the Messenger of Allah and is his immediate Successor.

Some other Muslim sects add the following:


AsSalatu wassalamu 'alaika ya Rasulallah.


Peace and blessings be on you, O Messenger of Allah.

We do not know on what authority they have made such additions. According to our knowledge, the wording of Athan, which we have given is authentic.

Es ist nichts schlimmes jemanden um Hilfe zu bitten und Dschinns sind wirklich keine bösen Geister, sondern ermordete die sich ihren Mörder und alle Bösewichte holen um sie zu bestrafen auf der Erde, sowie in der Hölle, gut zu lesen und zu finden in Wikipedia, wenn man nach Ifrit sucht.

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