Es heißt schwarz, Schwarzer im Sinne von dunkelhäutig. Es heißt auf KEINEN Fall N*g*r, wie in einem kürzlichen Zeitungsartikel wahrheitswidrig behauptet wird und hat im türkischen Sprachgebrauch keine abwertende oder negative Note! Es ist ein Adjektiv, welches auch in substantivierter Form verwendet wird und ist nicht per se abwertend, zumal es keine gebräuchlichen Alternativ-Wörter außer einfach "siyah" (schwarz) gibt, welches nur die Farbe umschreibt und auch für ein schwarzes Auto, Heft, Hemd etc. verwendet wird. Ich denke aber nicht, dass das Wort "siyah" besser als "zenci" ist, zumal ja auch n*groe vom Wortsinn her Schwarzer heißt.

Hier ein englischer Text dazu von einem türkischen Sprachwissenschaftler:

Zenci (read as zanjee) is actually historically a euphemism for Africans in order not to refer to skin colour or race.

Zenj was a Swahili-speaking east African area known for international trade before the age of western colonialism and the destruction of African heritage and urban culture. (A survivor was Zanzibar, the Zanj city)

It is totally false to assume that sub-Saharan Africans were savages before European missionaries civilised them. They were sophisticated cultured nations.

Ottomans prefered to call dark skinned Africans by refering to this city of culture and the coastal area. Africans were citizens of Zenj. Equally they called all Russians as Moskof, Muscovite, citizen of Moscow, even if they were from Novgorod. Tatars were Bahçesaraylı, of the rich Crimean capital, etc.

Another way of calling sub-saharan Africans was refering to them as Arabs. Because Turks wouldn’t call an Arab as Arab, instead use his geographic background like Iraqi, Najdi, Hejazi, Syrian, Egyptian, etc. Arab meant black people until as recent as a generation ago.

Not only did they call black people Arab but also the photonegatives of old pictures as white people looked like Africans.

Arab was a colloqual reference while Zenci was civilised alongside Sudani which roughly means black or resident of the black lands, Sudan.

Because the word Zenj was forgotten (apart from Zanzibar) and no western language had such a description (Arabic did), African students in Turkey sometimes react on being called zenci thinking it was a derogatory word like negro, nigger or kaffir by the Europeans.

In fact it praised the time Africa was great in civilisation

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