
Ich schreibe morgen einen Test über australien, vermutlich müssen wir dann dort 20 fakten aufschreiben. Ich habe jetzt schon mal einen Text geschrieben und wollte fragen ob der so richtig ist.

In Australia live about 22.6 million inhabitants and is about 7.7 million sq km big. The capital of Australia is Canberra. Canberra has about 350.000 inhabitants. The national language is English. The biggest city of Australia is Sydney with 4.6 million inhabitants. Mount Kosciuszko is the highest mountain in Australia and is 2228m high. The flag of Australia is comprised of the union jack (the flag of Great Britain) , the seven pointed commonwealth star and the Southern Cross. The southern cross is a special star formation, which you can only see from southern hemisphere sky. The currency is Australian Dollar. Australian is divided into 6 states and 2 territories. Each state and territory has its own government. The stats governments has more autonomy than territorial governments. Each state and territory has its own flag, capital an own flora and fauna emblems. For examples: the capital of the state Queensland is Brisbane the flora emblem is Cooktown Orchid and the fauna emblem is the Koala. The Aboriginals live for 50.000 years in Australian. Today most Aboriginals live in towns or cities. The speak of the Aboriginals has over 600 dialects. Australia has very interesting sights. One famous sight is the Uluru. Uluru is called from the aboriginals Ayers Rock and is a sacred place for the Aboriginals. Uluru is the world largest Monolith with 348 metres high. An other sight is the Opera in Sydney, which is a landmark of Australia.