Was denkt ihr über diesen Kommentar (Englisch)?
I have been watching these blackpill/redpill videos nonstop ever since I've come to a western country from a third-world country. And I must say I feel sorry for most men here that the options they have as romantic partners are extremely bad, but I think there is a reason for it.
The reason you guys are finding it hard is because women do not need you anymore in any context. For example, where I'm from, a woman cannot survive without a man, especially in rural areas. There is an area that was heavily bombed by the army in their fight against the Taliban and the local people had to move. Once the area was cleared the local people along with the army were rebuilding the city and you could see the anxiety among the local women who were not married by 21. Since it was the men who were rebuilding everything, not being married meant that the woman was unprotected.
A western woman is given everything by her government. Ever since she was born, she thinks the roads, buildings, electricity/gas, drainage systems, cars and everything that makes up for a civic society exists by default. She doesn't need a man for anything, she is given benefits by the government and the courts are in her favor. All this leverage exists because men are the highest taxpayers and their pool of money then makes them useless to women i.e. they are funding a system that makes them economically unattractive.
The reason why your grandparents had successful marriages was because in those times men were not seen as useless, especially after maybe your grandmothers had seen the destruction caused by the world wars and how men are necessary for building and maintaining a society. If you remove the social benefits from the system, you might see a better outcome for your romantic relationships.
This is also why you see constant articles from syria where women are calling the men back who have gone to Europe to rebuild the cities which are destroyed. I know this sounds more like opportunistic love, but it's exactly how women love. If they do not see any benefit from being in a relationship with you, no relationship takes place.
Since most western men have now been rendered useless by the western female, the only use of you guys now is to provide sperm of chads. Wealth, protection, stability, parental investment by betas, quotas, abortion rights etc. are now guaranteed through law to the western woman.
Congratulations, you guys are now officially a matriarchal society, and no such society has survived in history. There are some societies like this in Africa and they're still living in huts.

Der Kommentar wurde unter das verlinkte YouTube Video geschrieben.

Quelle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHS1pqYPr1Q

...zum Beitrag

Jeder dieser Kommentare sind aufgebrachte Feministen ,die die Wahrheiteit nicht wahr haben wollen,und den Kommentar bestätigen. Ohne Männer wären sie/die ganze Menschheit niemals so weit gekommen.Wenn Männer so nutzlos sind,dann sollen die ganzen Feministen auf eine Insel gehen und ihre eigene Kolonie gründen.Nach einem Monat ist dieser Stamm mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit ausgestorben,da die Spezies der Menschheit auf diese Weise nicht funktioniert.Männer und Frauen sind besser zusammen.

~Wer die Wahrheit sagt ist immer der Ars*h

...zur Antwort