I personally think the written statement ,"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself", means that you have to get out of your comfort zone to find who you truly are. For example when you are doing extreme sports you can find sites and aspects of your personality, that you didn't knew about. Or do something you would never do like going to a open mic event and just talk about God an life.

Another way you can understand the statement is when you connect it to people. You can wonderfully lose yourself in another person like a very good friend or maybe the love of your life. When you found your true soul mate and bind with them you lose all your emotional weight, your problems and can find your own personality.

Kannste gerne benutzen

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Vielleicht eine schicke Armbanduhr?

Zeigt die Zeit, läuft immer Zuverlässig, man kann sich auf sie verlassen usw.

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Gefährlich würde ich nicht sagen aber zu viel Alkohol/Desingektionsmittel an Schleimhäuten kann die Schleimhäute kaputt machen.

Aber bei dem Bisschen keine Sorge, brennt bis es bald verflogen ist

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In "Die Judenbuche":

Verkleinerungsform von Elisabeth, vertrauliche Anrede, um jemanden zu verführen oder anzulocken

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