Ich würde Kitri Variation, Don Quixote 1. Akt vorschlagen. Die ist ziemlich wild mit vielen Drehungen aber natürlich auch nicht ganz einfach. Passt aber denk ich perfekt zu dir.

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I find a catchy headline which refers to my topic.

Main part:

I give the information I want to share with the readers in a logical order.

Introducing my ideas:

I'd like to share my experiences/ thoughts with you. Firstly/ To start with......

Adding more information:

I'd like to tell you more about....... Secondly/ Apart from that/ Besides/ In addition.......

Expressing an opinion:

I think/ In my opinion/ To my mind........

Hinting a problem:

What is clear is that/ The problem here is that.......

Giving examples:

For example/ As you can see in....


I sum up my experiences OR my opinion and the main arguments.

I give an outlook for the future.

I invite the readers to comment on my blog post.

Ich hoffe, ich konnte helfen:)

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