Football. Show me something more thrilling than a perfect volley; tell me you’ve never dreamed of the immaculate strike and that passionate moment when an entire nation holds it breath. Tell me that football is not our one common language when the world stops for ninety minutes to be witness to that one special moment.

You could tell me I’m wrong; some may say it’s just a game, but this is about heroes and tribes, loyalties and devotion; it’s our battle and our belief, our commitment and our passion; this is our fate. Now, feel the fever of the crowd, hear the roar of the faithful

Hoffe du kannst englisch denn das trifft es perfekt.

...zur Antwort

Ich glaub ich versteh die frage nicht oO

Ähm also AB ist 150.000 - 90.000 sprich 60.000 ist der neue Wert.

Das konto Forderungen steigt um 90.000 ,ist ein Aktivtausch ne.

...zur Antwort
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