St Paul's Cathedral Referat Hilfe Englisch

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Text: Today I present to you my presentation on the Saint Paul's Cathedral. The St Paul's Cathedral was dedicated to the salvation Paul leagues. It's the fifth church built for the patron saint of London at this point. Already in the year 604 next Christos, at this point there was a wooden church. Today's the St Paul’s Cathedral was built after the original church was destroyed in 1666 during the great fire in London. The construction of the present building took about 40 years and its 108 meters high and it is one of the largest churches and has the second largest dome in the world. Even after that details were built such as the glass mosaic on the ceiling over the choir, which was completed only in 1890. Often in the church were held state ceremonies, such as the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana in 1981. The Whispering Gallery is also very interested. On the dome base there is a round bar. Who whispers here against a wall, can be heard at the other side. Since this usually tries many visitors, especially beautiful things they whisper. The plan of St Paul’s Cathedral corresponds to a Latin cross. Around the dome, numerous chapels and many memorials and monuments in honor of the national hero. Under the St Paul’s Cathedral is a crypt in some of the most prominent men of England are buried. The architect was Sir Christopher Wren.

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Englisch, verbessern, Referat, Grammatik
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