warum Hängen Meine Wiederholungspuffer Bei OBS?

1 Antwort

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Falls das rein mit dem Wiederholungspuffer zusammenhängt ist er evt zu lange eingestellt.

"A word of advice though. I would probably recommend to do a normal recording at the same time. So if something happens that took longer than your selected Replay Buffer time, you can still cut it out later. Also please do not select ridiculous long Buffer values. The estimator can only roughly show you the estimated RAM usage of your current settings, and if you run out of ram, OBS has to write the Buffer to disk which is of course only suboptimal. At the same time dont worry too much, 5 minutes or even a bit more should be no problem for most people. And you can of course test if its a problem at all."

Woher ich das weiß:Berufserfahrung – IT-Systemtechniker