Song bedeutung Scars to your beautiful?

3 Antworten

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gib bei Google - Scars to your beautiful Alessia Cara meaning - ein und folge den Links, z. B. diesem hier (Track 10):


"'Scars to Your Beautiful' is another anthem-like song. And it's about
body image for young women. So it's aimed at young women ... or women in
general, but I think guys can relate as well, I hope anyways. It's
about the standards that women have to deal with all the time. Whether
it's in media, or in just regular life. We're just expected to do, and
to look like so many different things, and it's so hard to keep up with
sometimes. And these things that we're being told, whether it's
indirectly or directly, they get into our heads and it got to the point
where now girls can't look at themselves and just feel happy anymore. We
have to find something that we don't like, or something that we have to
compare ourselves too. And that can get so tiring. It's just such a
wrong message to send to people, and it's just a bad thing to put in our
heads. So I wanted to make a song that was saying to block out all that
noise, and to just appreciate yourself, and not go to these extremes to
love yourself."


 06.02.2017, 20:08

Danke! :-)

Tantshot  06.02.2017, 20:09

Gute Antwort. Kannst du mir vielleicht sagen was "Scars to your beatiful" übersetzt heißt? Für mich macht das grammatikalisch nicht so richtig Sinn

 07.02.2017, 17:07

Also "scars" bedeutet narben und komplett übersetzt heißt es "Narben für deine Schönheit"


Ersetze "beautiful" durch "beauty" - und alles ist easy.

Gruß, earnest

Tantshot  06.02.2017, 21:07

Wie würdest du "Scars to your beatiful" auf Deutsch übersetzen?

earnest  06.02.2017, 21:19

Vielleicht sinngemäß als: "Beeinträchtigungen deiner Schönheit"?

(Wie gesagt, nicht "beautiful", sondern bei mir: "beauty".)


„The best People all have some kind of scar“ aber finde dein Spruch auch schon wirklich gut!:)

screeee  20.02.2019, 11:21

Sorry habe auf die falsche Frage geantwortet bruh 😂😂😂

 08.03.2019, 06:19

ist schon 3 jahre her aber egal :D meins ist der titel von einem song von alessia cara :D