¿Roblox - Account löschen?

1 Antwort

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Ich versuche das mal verständlich zu übersetzen:

Du musst aus einer Region kommen deren Zuständigkeit es dir erlaubt, Anfragen der Privatsphäre zu tätigen. Wir benutzen einen Drittanbieter um deinen Wohnsitz zu verifizieren.

Kann dir nicht sagen was du da antworten kannst da ich denk Kontext nicht habe.

 29.06.2021, 08:06

Zunächst einmal, möchte ich mich für Deine schnelle Antwort bedanken.
¿Wäre "Deutschland" eine Region, bei welcher ich das machen kann? Es geht um den einfachen, formlosen Antrag, meinen Roblox - Account zu löschen.

Die gesamte Antwort:

Aubree (Roblox) 

Jun 23, 2021, 10:20 AM PDT 

Thank you for contacting Roblox Customer Support.

Currently, Roblox is only able to provide support in Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. For further assistance, please use a translation service or ask a relative or friend for further help.

As a follow up measure we will use a translation app, such as Google Translate, to assist us in reading your message. If we are able to understand your Roblox concern, we will follow up with your inquiry in this message.

However, we do not have an account deletion request feature for players. You can stop using your Roblox account at any time. Should you choose to use your account again in the future, it will remain accessible to you by simply logging in.

If you are contacting us for a Right to Erasure request, please reply to this message to let us know and your request will be escalated for further assistance. Please note: Right of Erasure requests are granted based on your jurisdiction of residence. Please review the following requirements before making your Right of Erasure request:

*You must verify ownership of any associated Roblox account

*You must be 13 years of age or older. If you are under 13, please have your parent submit a request on your behalf.

*You must be based in a jurisdiction which offers the right(s) to submit a privacy request. We use a third party to verify your residency.

*Do not attach or provide your government ID or other proof of your residency in this ticket. Instructions will be sent to users for all valid requests.



Customer Support

Roblox Support

Feldjaeger7  29.06.2021, 10:08

Sorry hatte eine neue Antwort anstelle eines Kommtares verfasst:

Er sagte ja das man keine Anfrage auf die Löschung seines Accounts machen kann, aber man kann den Account sozusagen "vernichten", wenn in deiner Region, also dein Land, das GDPR zutrifft, das steht für Right to Erasure und beschreibt die Anfrage an ein Unternehmen, alle deine persönlichen Daten zu löschen. Wenn ich es richtig verstehe, dann kannst du diesen Antrag nicht machen so lange keine wichtigen Daten mit deinem ROBLOX Account verbunden sind, hier ist eine ausführliche Beschreibung des GDPR in Deutschland:

The German Data Protection Act has a wider scope than the GDPR; it applies to the processing of personal data by federal and state public authorities and bodies as well as by private bodies. Article 17 of the GDPR replaces and harmonizes the various rights to erasure that were codified in former section 20, paragraph 2 and section 35, paragraph 2 of the German Federal Data Protection Act, as well as sector-specific rules and rights to erasure contained in state law.
As mentioned, article 17 of the GDPR is directly applicable in Germany. Section 35 of the amended German Federal Data Protection Act modifies the data subject’s right to erasure and the controller’s corresponding duty to erase. If in a case of nonautomated data processing erasure is impossible or only possible with a disproportionate effort due to the specific mode of storage, and if the data subject’s interest in erasure is minimal, the right to erasure is replaced with a right to restriction of processing as codified in article 18 of the GDPR. This modification is not applicable if the processing was unlawful. Furthermore, the right to restriction applies instead of the right to erasure if erasure would conflict with a legal duty of the controller to retain the data for a specific time period. However, it is unclear whether the modifications of the right to erasure, in particular the modification because of a disproportionate effort, are compatible with article 23 of the GDPR or if they are too far-reaching. The German legislator justifies the modification with the need to protect the rights and freedoms of others without any further explanation.
Germany has not yet enacted legislation to implement the obligation contained in article 85 of the GDPR.