Nachfolgefrage zu Staffel 8 Folge 22 castle?

20.01.2024, 00:36

Woher kommt denn diese Fan Fiktion. Das ist besser als jedes Drehbuch. Da frage ich mich warum so etwas nicht als happy ending der 8. Staffel genommen wurde. Da ja bekannt war dass Katia aussteigt hätte man als cliffhanger nur Schusswechsel zw. Kaleb und beckett nehmen können dann hätte man ja noch entscheiden können ob sie überlebt oder nicht. Das hätte doch mehr Sinn gemacht. Vor allem wurden die 3 Kinder in Staffel 6 ja schon erwähnt. Dann wäre die Handlung doch nachvollziehbar gewesen anstatt dieser bestehende hininszeniert. Beckett ist doch der senatsposten angeboten worden im Staffel 7 dann wäre die Zukunftsaussichten aus Folge 6 Staffel 6 doch glaubwürdiger. Warum man da in Staffel 7 und 8 noch was blödes konstruiert mit loksat ist mir zu hoch. Man hätte die 8. Staffel anders erzählen können und mit so einem Ende dann machen auch die 7 Jahr später Sinn. Und eine 9. Staffel hätte dann da ansetzen können

1 Antwort

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Wenn es das Staffelfinale ohne diese Schießerei gibt, war es einfach mal wieder nur eine geschnittene bzw. Zensur-Fassung direkt von Kabel Eins!

Und, dass Beckett von Castle Schwanger gewesen sein soll zwischen der dritten und vierten Staffel, als sie angeschossen und beinahe gestorben wäre und die beiden noch nichts sexuelles miteinander hatten, ist reine Fan-Fiction.

Wie hätte das gehen sollen? Ist Castle etwa Gott und Beckett die neue Jungfrau Maria? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣

Hier der gesamte "erfundene" Text zu dieser Fan-Fiction...

In the academy, they don’t tell you what getting shot feels like. They teach you how to dodge bullets, how to fire them, how to aim and where to aim, but never, not once, how to take the hit.
It ripples through her body with extraordinary strength, matter meeting man, gunpowder mixing with cotton, layer upon layer of metal, lead, copper, finding lodgings in the core of Kate’s body.
She finds solace in the blue sky above her, the hands that support her, the life, rather lives, housed primly in the composition of humanity she seldom seemed to find time to admire. It’s not long before she betrays herself, eyelids in place of light, bright blue, the smell of flowers replaced with the putrid smell of death.
Of dying.
Six months, she thinks, touching the small scar on her breast. It has been six months, a full week, and 3 days since she was shot.
Since Castle had told her he loved her, begged her not to go.
Since she made the conscious decision not to abide to his pleas, but rather to run away and seek peace in an isolated cabin outside the hustle of New York and the never-ending isolation brought on by flats crammed too closely and myriad blocks of concrete.
Six months have passed, and she has six weeks left to go.
He has a new girl, she’s read her profile on page six, blonde, busty, the youngest daughter of some oil magnate from some country somewhere. She makes an effort not to remember the details, they’re far too painful.
In one of the few rational moments the hormones allow her, she reflects about the decisions she’s made, and how wrong some of them are.
A child is allowed to meet its father.
A father is allowed to meet its child.
A mother tries her best.
It’s chilly when she opens her eyes that day. It’s a January morning, couple of weeks after Christmas. She feels humid, dizzy, like she’s going through a bad hangover. Her mobile chirps from the nightstand, but the heaviness of her head keeps her from checking the text.
It takes her two minutes and forty-eight seconds to realise she’s bleeding.
Another thirty-seven seconds before she can try and get up.
She counts nine deep breaths before her listless body hits the hardwood floor.
That’s where he finds her, alone in the cabin, bulging stomach covered by a blue satin nightgown, hair sprawled across the floor.
He says her name, like the prayer it is, several times over before dialing 999 and rising to his feet to make way to he can carry her out.
He needs to ask her so many things, so many different questions about different subjects, the who, the what, the why, the when, the where, he needs to know everything, wants to read her like the open book she never was.
He hopes he’ll still get the chance.
She blinks her eyes open about a day later, at a room in the maternity ward of St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany, New York, not more than ten kilometres away from where Castle found her. Castle is sitting by the bedside, eyes shut, body stiff, fast asleep.
She curses everything within her line of sight under her breath, before she can even realise the long-present protuberance in her stomach is no longer there.
Castle is awoken by her screams and the nurse’s hurried steps into the room.
There’s hustling, talking, shushing, calming, before the storm finally ceases and he’s allowed back inside.
There, he finds Kate standing, arms crossed over her chest as her teeth chew softly on her bottom lip and her left foot taps insistently against the white tile floor.
“Kate.” He calls, from the threshold.
“Castle.” She answers, finding his eyes “I’m sorry.” She pleads, tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
“What for?” he asks, less angry than hurt.
“Evading. Running away. Ignoring you.” She recites, still avoiding the very thing she has to be sorry for.
“It’s fine, Kate, I just think you should at least have told me something, anything, about this gigantic change in your life.” He spits, now a bit angrier “I found you on the floor Kate, nearly lifeless, and I didn’t even know who to ring. I assume you have a partner now, or at least someone who’d need to know about his child and the mother of his child being in danger, but I had no such information.”
She sucks in a deep breath.
“I thought we were friends, Kate. Acquaintances at the very least.” He says “I knew… I knew you regretted that night. But I had no idea you regretted it enough to completely cut me out of your life.”
She lets it out.
“I think I deserved to know. I would’ve liked to know.”
“She’s yours.” Kate blurts, before covering her mouth.
“What did you say?”
“She’s yours.” She repeats, this time louder and clearer “There is no partner. I meant to tell you, but after the funeral I just couldn’t face it. My job almost killed her, Rick, it came very close to doing so. So I gave the NYPD my letter of resignation and asked my dad if I could stay in his cabin for a while. I needed, I thought I needed, to completely detach myself – and my daughter – from any past that could come back to hurt us.” Her voice starts to crack “You were part of it.”
He wants to scream.
He chooses not to.
“Kate…” he murmurs “what have I ever done to make you think I would even endanger you or anyone else you loved?” his voice is a whisper “what have I ever done to deserve to be ostracized from my own child. What have I? What was my mistake? Loving you?”
“Ms. Beckett, I brought your little girl here to feed.” A tiny, raven-haired nurse says, entering the room with a carefully wrapped pink bundle in her arms.
“The mistakes were never yours.” Kate finishes, before moving to get the baby from the nurse’s arms. “Gitta, this is your father.”
He looks at her, then at the little girl.
“Castle, this is your daughter.”
He doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to make it without her again.
“Please.” He says, and she understands.
“I won’t.”
