Lilys Eltern (Harry Potter)?
Ich weiß nichts über die Eltern von Lily und hoffe, dass ihr meine Fragen beantworten könnt:
Wie hießen sie?
Wann/Wieso starben sie?
Wie waren sie so?
Wenn ihr noch mehr über sie wisst wäre toll.
Danke im Vorraus
2 Antworten
Ist eh Wurst.
"J. K. Rowling is a centrist liberal. And so, in the Harry Potter universe, goblins are second-class citizens. Centaurs are viewed as beasts and forced into reserves. Discrimination against people with non-magical parents is wide-spread. Muggles are viewed as inferior. Wizards have their own Guantanamo prison where they torture people. And they keep house elves as slaves. Voldemort and his super racist ideology are the embodyment of these injustices. He is the logical continuation [of normal wizard society] if you will.
"This is contrasted by the heroes and their more egalitarian ideas. The final fight against Voldemort is therefore not just a magical duel but also a clash of ideologies. By defeating Voldemort, you also defeat his supremacist ideas, changing society for the better.
"But there is a problem.
"As a centrist liberal, Rowling is deadly afraid of change. Actual, meaningful change.
"Thus, at the end of the series, Voldemort gets defeated by some bullshit wand mechanics minutiae, and then it's back to business-as-usual. Goblins remain second-class citizens, the centaurs are still kept in reserves, magic Guantanamo stays open and house elves remain in chattel slavery.
"That is because J. K. Rowling clings to ths status quo as if her life depended on it.
"She views the status-quo as sacred and untouchable, which then forces her to awkwardly try and work around it instead of making meaningful changes."
- Adam Something, _Why the Straddling Bus failed_
Sie hießen Mr evans und mrs evans ihre Vorname waren nicht bekannt vermutlich starben sie einen normalen muggle tod sie waren auf jeden Fall schon tod als Harry zu den dursley geschickt wurde und sie schätzten Lilly sehr da sie eine hexe war