Kennt jemand englische Sprüche, die etwas über falsche Freunde aussagen?

3 Antworten

"False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in teh sunshine but leaving us when we cross into the shade."

(eigentlich der Gleiche, nur bisschen anders.):

"False friends are like shadows, always near you at your brightest moments. But no where to be seen at your darkest times."

"Better a honest enemy than a false friend."

"True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. False friends are like leaves, found everywhere."

"Someone who smiles too much with you can sometime frown too much with you at your back."

"Be very careful of who you share your problem with, remember that not every friend that smile at you is your best friend."

Sind ein paar, die ich mal gehört, gelesen und gefunden habe.

Warum überhaut Sprüche über falsche Freunde suchen...?
Falsche Freunde vergisst man einfach :D