Kann mir jemand einen Englischen Text über Umweltverschmutzung schicken?

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Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Wie wäre es mit Wikipedia? Dem englischsprachigen Original?

 Ein bißchen Arbeit kannst du dir schon machen....

Und weil ich nett bin, hier ein Link zur simplen Ausgabe von Wikipedia, gedacht für Kinder. Mit ohne schwierige Wörter.


 29.02.2016, 18:02

Danke :D


Our blue planet is not so blue anymore. It is being destroyed more and more by pollution and climate warming. There are people who think our species has nothing to do with it, they say we are not responsible. Most of the CO2 comes from us humans - we pollute the air with the emissions of cars, airplanes, cruise ships and our meat consumption. Global warming causes the polar caps to melt, habitats are destroyed, animals become extinct and there are many more natural disasters. We are also to blame for the pollution of the environment, with all our plastic garbage polluting the oceans. There are even kilometre-sized plastic islands. What we can do about it? We should eat less meat, take the bus and train instead of the car, fly less during the holidays and use more renewable energy. At home it is also helpful to turn down the heating and turn off the lights when you leave the room. In order to reduce the amount of plastic garbage you should recycle more and make sure that the plastic really ends up in the garbage. That everything can be done to reduce your carbon foodprint and slowly rebuild the environment.