5-Minuten Vortrag in Englisch über den Bodensee?

5 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet
  • Sehenswürdigkeiten am Bodensee
  • Die Insel Mainau
  • Pfahlbauten
  • Meersburg
  • Die Reichenau
  • Basilika Birnau

Hättet ihr was zu ergänzen? :)

-German name: Bodensee

-It’s a lake on the Rhine at the northern foot of the Alps

-It’s situated in Germany, Switzerland, Austria

-It consists of three bodies of water: Obersee „upper lake“, Untersee „lower lake“, connecting stretch oft the Rhine „Seerhein“.

-Lake constance is Central Europe’s third largest lake after Lake Balaton and Lake Geneva.

-Its shorelines lie in the German federal states of Bavaria and B-W, Austrian federal state of Vorarlberg and the Swiss cantons of Thurgau, St.Gallen and Schaffhausen

-Rhine flows into it from the Southeast, flows out near Stein am Rhein

-It’s 63 km long, the widest point: almost 14km, covers about 571km², 395m above sea level

-The greatest depth is 252 metres in the middle of the eastern part (Obersee)

-Also a nice water quality is present.

-It provides fresh water to many cities in South Germany.

-Bodensee-Wasserversorgung: Lake Constance Water Supply, Important drinking water source for South Germany for about 4 million people.

-About 45 fish species are found there: common whitefish of Lake Constance, eels and wels catfish.

-The lake is popular for diving, swimming, 19-25 degrees from June to September. Shipping is very interesting for most people too.

-All around the lake is a bikeway.

-The largest city is Constance.

-Car ferries link Romanshorn to Friedrichshafen and Konstanz to Meersburg.

-There are heritage-protected lake dwellings as well. They were reconstructed and are able to be seen by tourists in museums.

-The three major islands are: Mainau, Reichenau, Lindau

-Last but not least, there was a 100-year-flood in June 1999 that raised the water level 2 metres above normal.

- Bodensee ist der volumenreichste See in Deutschland

- Die Wasserversorgung der Schwaben hängt teilweise dran (Wasser wird bis nach Stuttgart gepumpt)

- Drei Länder teilen sich den See

- Der See ist relativ kalt...


orientiere dich am (Inhaltsverzeichnis des) entsprechenden Wikipedia-Eintrages und an der offiziellen Bodensee-Website unter http://www.bodensee.de/.
