Kann man als transmädchen sb machen?

2 Antworten

Auch trans Personen können sich selbst befriedigen und einen Orgasmus bekommen.

Nach einer Operation

Laut einer Umfrage waren bei 55.8% der trans Frauen der Orgasmus intensiver, 20.8% spürten keinen Unterschied und bei 23.4% war der Orgasmus weniger intensiv.

43 women (55.8%) quoted that orgasms were more intense after GAS compared with those experienced before surgery, 18 (23.4%) women stated that it was less intense than before, and 16 (20.8%) felt no difference.


85% der trans Frauen und alle trans Männer waren nach einer Operation weiterhin Orgasmusfähig:

all female-to-male and 85% of the male-to-female patients reported orgasm.


Die meisten trans Männer masturbierten öfters, der Orgasmus wurde für gewöhnlich intensiver:

Most participants reported an increase in frequency of masturbation, sexual arousal, and ability to achieve orgasm after testosterone treatment and SRS.
Almost all participants were able to achieve orgasm during masturbation and sexual intercourse, and the majority reported a change in orgasmic feelings toward a more powerful and shorter orgasm.


Gegengeschlechtliche Hormone

Laut einer Studie erhöht sich die allgemeine Orgasmuszufriedenheit (trans Frauen und trans Männer):

After commencing GAHT, TW reported notable changes in orgasm function: increase in lead-time necessary to reach orgasm, orgasm duration, and overall orgasm satisfaction.
Similarly, TM reported an increase in duration of orgasm and increased overall satisfaction with orgasm quality.
Over half of the TW reported experiencing orgasms in new/additional body locations.
Additionally, prior to commencing GAHT, the majority of TM and TW patients reported their orgasms as a short, single-peak event but following GAHT these same patients reported longer and protracted multiple-peak orgasms.


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