

ich wollte fragen ob ihr meinen Gastfamilienbrief zur Kontrolle lesen könntet. Meine Familie kann das nicht da sie kaum englisch sprechen.

Dear host family, 

First of all I want to thank you for reading my letter and giving me the opportunity to live a year in the USA. To make your decision easier I want to give you a little impression about who I am. 

My name is (xxx), I'm sixteen years old and I live in Germany.

My family that means my mom, my dad, my sister, our dog and our cat are an important point in my life and i spend a lot of time with them. 

In my freetime I like to cook and bake. I do cardio and weight training reguarly.Next to sports I'm interested in photography, reading books, singing and writing my own songs, travel to different countries, eating my cakes and like every normal teenager meeting my friends. But sometimes I like to just relax and take a nap.

I am looking forward to my first American school day. Here in Germany the school is a little bit different than in the USA. In Germany there aren’t usually sport clubs after school. I especially like schools in the USA because they often offer a bunch of after school activities like cheerleading, which I really want to try, or other clubs.

Right now I’m in the 11th grade. My favorite subjects are English, representative play and art, but I’m not in an art class.

I like to try new things, find out about different cultures, people and languages. I think that living in the USA will be an awesome experience for me and that it will have a big influence on my life and personality. I hope that after the time in your family, the US will be a second home to me. I'm happy that I’ll soon get the chance to get to know the country and the American way of life. 

Thank you for reading this letter. I hope you’re going to be my host family and if so, thank you very much!


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