2 Varianten (auf Englisch)

1. The Buddha died of old age, when he was eighty years old. The death was triggered by his body reaction to a dish of wild mushroom. He died peacefully and mindfully.

2. In order to know the last day of the Buddha, we should read books on his life or better still, read the recorded suttas. The best source is the Maha Parinibbana Sutta (Kinh Dda.i Ba't Nie^'t Ba`n) from the Pali collection of the Digha Nikaya (Tru+o+`ng Bo^. Kinh), or the Wandering Sutra (Kinh Du Ha`nh) from the Sanskrit/Chinese collection of the Digha Agama (Tru+o+`ng A Ha`m). There is a separate Chinese sutra, The Maha Parinirvana Sutra, which was also translated into Vietnamese, but this script has been widely regarded as being composed at a very late stage (about 200-400 AD).